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![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 1](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_1m.jpg)
Worm Gearbox / Reducteurs a Roue et Vis Sans Fin Gearboxes and Drives / Moto Reducteurs
カタログの1ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 3](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_3m.jpg)
İÇİNDEKİLER / INDEX / TABLE DES MATIÈRES Ti̇ p Tanımlamaları Unit Designitation / Types et designations Giriş Opsiyonları Input Options / Options d’entrée Opsiyonlar Options / Options Çıkış Opsiyonları Output Options / Options de sortie Redüktör Bağlantı Varyasyonları Mounting Options and Variations / Options de montage et d’accouplement Redüktör Komponent Varyasyonları Gearboxes Components Variations / Options et variations Motor Varyasyonları Mounting Options and Variations / Options de montage et d’accouplement Motor komponent varyasyonları Motor’s Components Variations / Composant et...
カタログの3ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 4](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_4m.jpg)
İÇİNDEKİLER / INDEX / TABLE DES MATIÈRES Fren Seçim Tablosu Brake Selection Table / Table de sélection des freins Geri Dönüş Kilitli Redüktörlerde Dönme Yönü Direction of Rotation of the Gearbox With a Backstop / Sens de rotation des roulement anti-retour Montaj Pozisyonları Mounting Positions / Position de montage Montaj Pozisyonlarına Bağlı Olarak Yağ Miktarları Oil Quantities Per Mounting Position / Quantités d’huiles en fonction des positions de montage Yag Tablosu Lubricant Table / Huiles et lubrifiants Çift gövdeli redüktörler montaj şekilleri Mounting Position of Dual Housing...
カタログの4ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 5](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_5m.jpg)
S SERİSİ / SERIES / SÉRIES • Aluminyum gövdeli sonsuz vidalı redüktörler • Worm geared unit with aluminium housing • Réducteur à roue et vis sans fin avec carter en aluminium • 5 Farklı gövde büyüklüğü • Torque range from 13 to 388 Nm • Ratio range from 7.5 to 100
カタログの5ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 6](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_6m.jpg)
İRS SERİSİ / SERIES / SÉRIES • Döküm gövdeli sonsuz vidalı redüktörler • Worm geared unit with cast iron housing • Réducteur à roue et vis sans fin avec carter en fonte • 8 Farklı gövde büyüklüğü • Torque range from 96 to 16876 Nm • Ratio range from 7.25 to 115
カタログの6ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 7](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_7m.jpg)
İRSD SERİSİ / SERIES / SÉRIES • Döküm gövdeli helisel sonsuz vidalı redüktörler • Helical worm geared unit with cast iron housing • Réducteur hélicoïdal à roue et vis sans fin avec carter en fonte • 5 Farklı gövde büyüklüğü • Torque range from 211 to 4479 Nm • Ratio range from 25 to 33
カタログの7ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 8](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_8m.jpg)
Genel Bilgiler General Information Informations générales
カタログの8ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 9](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_9m.jpg)
Tip TanimlamalariUnit Designitation / Types et designationsAluminyum govdeli sonsuz vidali reduktorler Aluminium housing worm gearbox / Reducteurs a roue et vis sans fin, carter en aluminium Kod Dokum govdeli helisel - sonsuz vidali reduktorler Cast iron housing helical - worm gearbox / Reducteurs helicoidal a roue et vis sans fin, carter en fonte Kod
カタログの9ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 10](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_10m.jpg)
Giri§ Opsiyonlari Input Options / Options d’entree i.Mak S Giri§ milli Solid input shaft Avec arbre de sortie SM Motorlu With motor Avec moteur SP IEC pam flan§li IEC input flange Avec bride PAM - IEC iRSA Giri§ milli Solid input shaft Avec arbre de sortie iRSAM Motorlu With motor Avec moteur iRSAP IEC pam flan§li IEC input flange Avec bride de sortie PAM - IEC iRSD Giri§ milli Solid input shaft Avec arbre de sortie iRSDM Motorlu With motor Avec moteur iRSDP IEC pam flan§li IEC input flange Avec bride de sortie PAM - IEC
カタログの10ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 11](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_11m.jpg)
Opsiyonlar Options / Options Redüktör opsiyonları / Gearboxes options / Options des motoréducteurs Opsiyon Sağ taraf çıkış flanşı Output flange right Bride de sortie ( Droite ) Sol taraf çıkış flanşı Output flange left Bride de sortie ( Gauche ) Çift çıkış flanşı Double output flange Bride de sortie ( Double ) Sağ taraf çıkış mili Output shaft right Arbre de sortie ( Droite) Sol taraf çıkış mili Output shaft left Arbre de sortie ( gauche ) Çift çıkış mili Output shaft double Arbre de sortie ( Double ) Alın mili Double input shaft Arbre d'entrée ( Double ) Alın miline fren bağlantısı Double...
カタログの11ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 12](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_12m.jpg)
Çıkış Opsiyonları Output Options / Options de sortie S…SD Çift çıkış milli Double output shaft Double arbre de sortie S….SL Çıkış milli (sol) Output shaft ( Left ) Arbre de sortie ( Gauche ) S…FD Çift çıkış flanşlı Double output flange Double bride de sortie S…FL-SL Çıkış milli - Çıkış flanşlı (sol) Output shaft - Output flange ( Left ) Arbre et bride de sortie ( Gauche ) S…FD-SD Çift çıkış flanşlı- Çift çıkış milli Double output flange - Double output shaft Bride de sortie double - Arbre de sortie double S…FL Çıkış flanşlı (sol) Output flange ( Left ) Bride de sortie ( Gauche ) S…C Alın...
カタログの12ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 13](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_13m.jpg)
Çıkış Opsiyonları Output Options / Options de sortie Çıkış opsiyonları / Output options / Options de sortie İRS.. Delik milli Hollow output shaft Arbre creux İRS…SD Çift çıkış milli Double output shaft Double arbre de sortie İRS….SL Çıkış milli (sol) Output shaft ( Left ) Arbre de sortie ( Gauche ) İRSF…FD Delik milli - Çift çıkış flanşlı Double output flange Double bride de sortie İRSF…FL-SL Çıkış milli - Çıkış flanşlı (sol) Output shaft - Output flange ( Left ) Arbre et bride de sortie ( Gauche ) İRSF…FD-SD Çift çıkış flanşlı- Çift çıkış milli Double output flange - Double output shaft...
カタログの13ページ目を開く![Helical worm geared motor - IRSD - 14](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/159888/helical-worm-geared-motor-irsd-726338_14m.jpg)
Çıkış Opsiyonları Output Options / Options de sortie İRSD…SD Çift çıkış milli Double output shaft Double arbre de sortie İRSD….SL Çıkış milli (sol) Output shaft ( Left ) Arbre de sortie ( Gauche ) İRSDF…FD Çift çıkış flanşlı Double output flange Double bride de sortie İRSDF…FL-SL Çıkış milli - Çıkış flanşlı (sol) Output shaft - Output flange ( Left ) Arbre et bride de sortie ( Gauche ) İRSDF…FD-SD Çift çıkış flanşlı- Çift çıkış milli Double output flange - Double output shaft Bride de sortie double - Arbre de sortie double İRSDF…FL Delik milli - Çıkış flanşlı (sol) Output flange ( Left )...
カタログの14ページ目を開くI-MAK Réducteursのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
IRN - IRO Series
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Gearboxes and Drives
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HELICAL Geared Motor
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Driven by passion
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199 ページ
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Worm Gearbox
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Brochure 2018
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848 ページ
Worm gear units - S Series
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I-MAK Brochure 2015
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IR series
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