HPR400XD System Brochure
1 / 4ページ



HPR400XD System Brochure - 1

HyPerformance > Plasma > with PowerPierce Ι shield technologyfor extreme piercing capability XD Superior cut quality and consistencyMaximized productivityMinimized operating costsUnmatched reliability size="-1">

HPR400XD System Brochure - 2

Hypertherm has spent more than four decades developing over 70 patented plasma technologies to provide customers with exceptional performance they can count on. With thousands of HyPerformance Plasma systems sold around the world, the HPR product family has become the plasma system of choice for customers who demand the most consistent cut quality, highest productivity, lowest operating cost and unmatched reliability. > HyPerformance Plasma cuts fine-feature partswith superior quality and consistency, eliminating the cost of secondary operations. HyPerformance Plasma combines fast...

HPR400XD System Brochure - 3

HyFlowvortex nozzlePlasma gas inletPlasma gas ventWorkpieceHyperthermshield technologyShieldgas inlet Vented nozzle technology aligns and focusestheplasma arc. ՕHyDefinition technology enables powerful precisioncutting for superior quality and consistency. > Ramps electrical current and gas pressure up anddown in a tightly controlled manner.ՕTo reduce electrode and nozzle erosion, LongLifetechnology delivers consistent HyDefinition cut quality over the longest period of time for a significant reduction in operating cost and downtime. Patented HyDefinition cutting for consistent quality...



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