BX172 with build-in pump
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BX172 with build-in pump - 1

BX172 Portable Single Gas Detector with Inner Sampling Pump Single gas detector; with built-in sampling pump -Inner Pump Sampling. Quick Response -Multl-fUtratk>nf Effective Protection of Instrument -TWo instant Alarm Points with Audio, Visual LED and Vibratory Indicators -Easy Chocking ST EL, TWA and Peak Level •Replaceable Sensor Module -USB Port for Data Uploading Method of Detection: Inner pump sampling Kumidtty Range: 5 to 95% RH. non-condensing Power: 0C3.6V lithium battery. ISOOmAh. rechargeable Charge Time; 4*6 Hours Operating Time; Approximately 8 hours for LEL unit Approximately 48 hours (or C0f H,S, and 0, units, Continuous, non-alarm conditions Explosion-proof Rating; Exia IICT3 Safity • Green • Health


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