
Able to adapt to any environment. Replace the burner in a flash, without any tools! Convert this conventional torch into a Raptor torch in one easy movement, using this quick-release coupling! Ø ± 500 g Titanium is ultra-resistant and ultra-light: as strong as steel and as light as aluminium! • Automatic piezo ignition flame. • Total safety: the dedicated handle automatically cuts off the flame when the torch is not held. 33 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny F - 94127 FONTENAY-SOUS-BOIS Cedex info@express.fr www.express.fr • Very simple self-maintenance. Guilbert Express • No tool...
カタログの2ページ目を開くGUILBERT EXPRESSのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
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Blowtorch 351
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Guilbert Express UK
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