Grundfos CR Range - Innovation Inside
1 / 20ページ



Grundfos CR Range - Innovation Inside - 2

Superior reliabilityՕUnmatched cost of ownership The most extensive rangeon the market > By continually anticipating andmeeting the increasingly rigorous demands set by the market, Grund- fos has built a reputation as a trend- setter in the pumping industry.Ongoing investments in research and development ensure that we can maintain this position. In mul- tistage centrifugal pumps, the CR has now been leading the way for more than 25 years. Make no mis- take about it. The new generation of CR pumps will make a visible difference which you will appreci- ate. Innovation is at the very core of...

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Grundfos motor Dry-running sensor Grundfos own MG motorsfeature a low noise leveland high efficiency. Avail-able in the self-regulatingMGE configuration withintegrated frequency converter. The Grundfos LiqTecҙ constantly checks that there is liquid in the pump,eliminating the risk of break-down from dry-running. High-performancehydraulics Cartridge shaft seal Grundfos state-of-the arthydraulic design and production technology optimise pump efficiency. Grundfos developed the cartridge seal to increasereliability and enable easyservice and access. Durable bearings Shaft seal solutions...

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Dry-running is the cause of 25 % of pump-related stoppages >

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Superior reliability with the unique cartridge seal Hard-wearing seal materials pre- vent unnecessary and prolonged downtime in your system. Seal reli- ability is also enhanced by the car- tridge design since there is no risk Grundfos LiqTec ٖ a finger on the switch The only sure way to prevent the disastrous consequences of dry- running is to have a finger on the switch at all times. With LiqTec, Grundfos has designed such a fin- ger and made it available as an option on all CR pumps. LiqTecٙ is plug-and-play dry-running protec- tion which constantly checks that there is liquid in the...

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Titanium never corrodes As fast as the ferrous metals in a pump corrode at the hands of saline liquids, so too does pump reliability and efficiency. After dry-running, corrosive liquid is the next most common cause of shortened pump life. High-grade stainless steel goes a long way to making CR corrosion- proof, but extreme conditions re-quire extreme measures.The CR is the only pump of its kindwhich comes in a full-titanium vari- ant ֖ CRT. Titanium is totally corro- sion-free. Not even a decade of full immersion in salt water will leave ablemish on the metal surface. of assembling the seal...

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Electricity is the most expensive part of a pump >

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CR cuts power consumption by more than > * Calculation based on CR 5 20 % >

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Physics theory behind real improvement Extremely small margins make all the difference to pump efficiency levels. The laws of fluid dynamics have therefore been studied care- fully to find new ways of improv- ing CR efficiency. The result of this intense development work is an in- crease in pump efficiency of 10 per- centage points. Firstly, internal leakage caused bythe pressure differentials within the pump were minimised. Tests and calculations have shown that an impeller seal clearance gap of 1/10 mm between the impeller and the chamber in a pump equivalent to a CR 3 results in a 5%...

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Limited pump programmesrestrict your opportunities >

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CR offers individual solutionsfor individual needs >

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Choice of materials is crucial A range of alternative materials is available to adapt the CR to handle the wide variety of liquids encoun- tered today from drinking water to aggressive industrial liquids. > For systems requiring up to 120 m > 3 /hour at up to 40 bar, you can֒t af- ford to ignore Grundfos. The CR programme is the most extensive and comprehensive on the market today, featuring ten pump sizes with four basic material options in thousands of configurations. The CR range of pumps is fine-tuned to include many sizes with a narrow interval between each size. This makes it easier...

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Custom-built CR ask and you shall receive The standard CR range is supple- mented by a custom-built pro- gramme which is anything but standard. An entire development team is dedicated to custom-build- ing CRs to cover applications which are out of the ordinary. By working together with users, we have been able to provide unique solutions which could then be incorporated into the custom-built programme.Over the years, many users of mul- tistage pumps have contacted us with difficulties they were experi- encing in specific pumping situa- tions. We welcome this contact, which will set the...

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The most important part of the innovation process is understanding our customers what demands you place on a pump and how your processes work. Only then can we apply our extensive knowledge of materials, pumps and pumping systems to design the right pump for you. > With focus firmly on user needs, some of the best engineers in the business design and incorporate new elements which build on Grundfos֒ innovative history. We aim to live up to our reputation for supplying the most reliable pumps, for being leaders in pump technology and for building pumps our customers need. This is your...




    20 ページ

  2. Grundfos ALPHA1

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  3. ALPHA1 L

    2 ページ

  4. DME

    2 ページ

  5. UPM3

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    11 ページ

  7. PUST 1700 RANGE

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  8. Grundfos LiqTec

    2 ページ

  9. CRN Air-Cooled Top

    2 ページ

  10. CRN MAGdrive

    2 ページ


    2 ページ

  12. Customised solutions

    21 ページ

  13. TPE3

    7 ページ

  14. Grundfosliterature

    5 ページ

  15. CIM/CIU

    3 ページ

  16. BMS

    5 ページ

  17. BM

    2 ページ

  18. BACMON

    16 ページ

  19. AQtap

    7 ページ

  20. ALPHA2 L OEM

    19 ページ


    2 ページ

  22. MTA

    3 ページ

  23. Unilift CC

    2 ページ

  24. ALPHA1

    2 ページ


    3 ページ

  26. S - product brochure

    16 ページ

  27. CRT for seawater

    2 ページ

  28. CRT for industry

    2 ページ

  29. HS

    5 ページ

  30. SQ

    3 ページ


    12 ページ

  32. Pressure Manager

    5 ページ

  33. Selcoperm SES

    20 ページ

  34. Conex DIS-G

    2 ページ

  35. Conex DIS-C

    2 ページ

  36. Sololift2

    9 ページ

  37. VGA and VGB

    28 ページ

  38. Oxiperm Pro

    8 ページ

  39. DMX

    18 ページ

  40. DMH

    18 ページ

  41. MP 204

    3 ページ

  42. TP/TPE

    5 ページ

  43. SP Product

    7 ページ

  44. S-Tube

    4 ページ

  45. SB & SBA

    8 ページ


    52 ページ

  47. Product Brochure

    5 ページ

  48. Multilift

    21 ページ

  49. NB, NBG, NK, NKG

    3 ページ

  50. KPL and KWM

    3 ページ

  51. Grundfos GO

    3 ページ

  52. DW

    12 ページ

  53. DIP

    16 ページ

  54. NEW ALPHA2

    7 ページ

  55. Wastewater products

    10 ページ


    3 ページ

  57. GRUNDFOS DPK range

    3 ページ


    5 ページ

  59. DME, DMS, DDI

    14 ページ

  60. Diffuser

    3 ページ


    12 ページ

  62. CR monitor

    8 ページ

  63. Control MPC

    4 ページ

  64. CMV

    8 ページ

  65. CM, CME Booster

    52 ページ

  66. CIM / CIU

    3 ページ

  67. BMP

    9 ページ


  1. A WIDE RANGE 2019

    60 ページ

  2. A WIDE RANGE 2015

    60 ページ