
Portable Video Borescope with SMALL DESIGN Main Features Waterproof Probe • Compact Detachable Monitor • Cross compatible with all Rigel, Orion and Heron monitors. • Image and Video Capture • Cost effective
Rig el − U F P o rta ble Video Bo rescope with 4 mm Diamet er, 2−way tip ar ti culat ion The Rigel - UF (Ultra Fine) is a new video borescope which features and extremely thin insertion probe with 2-way tip articulation in a compact design. This means that the Rigel-UF is both more compact than more advanced models and more economical. The Rigel - UF is equipped with a 4mm diameter insertion tube that can be detached from the handheld monitor in seconds if needed. The 350 degree independently rotating probe has stainless steel braiding and two way articulation of 180 degrees in each...
カタログの2ページ目を開くFiberscope.net by MEDITのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
Push Camera VIPER
2 ページ
Push Camera PYTHON
2 ページ