
EMISSIONS CEMS (Continuous Emissions Monitoring Solutions) CEMS Solutions Sampling Systems Extractive Gas Analyzers Dilution Based CEMS Mercury Monitoring In-situ Analyzers Flow Meters Particulate CEMS Monitors Continuous Samplers Acquisition, supervision & reporting Customer Support & Services CEMS Product Overview
CEMS SOLUTIONS We design and produce a complete range of state of the art analyzers, sampling systems, data acquisition systems and software for the measurement & reporting of pollutant. CONTINUOUS SAMPLING SYSTEM • Dioxins • Furans • Mercury • Biogenic CO2 FLOWMETERS • Micro-venturi • Averaging Pitot • FlowSonic™ PARTICULATE MONITORS • ElectroDynamic™ • ProScatter™ • DynamicOpacity™ EXTRACTIVE GAS MONITORS • FTIR • NDIR GFC • FID • CLD • UV Fluorescence • TDLAS • Dry thermocatalytic IN-SITU GAS MONITORS • TDLAS • NDIR GFC SAMPLING & CONDITIONING • Dilution • Dry Extractive • Hot Extractive...
PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS & APPROVALS We offer a range of state of the art CEMS, tested and certified in order to ensure the highest level of performance and regulatory compliance for your processes. Emission monitoring regulations vary from country to country, and the measurement technology must be assessed for suitability and in accordance with local requirements and standards. For instance, our solutions are fully compliant with the latest European regulations & standards: Systems are also in accordance with EPA standards in the USA, as well as being approved and certified by various...
CUSTOM DESIGN & ENGINEERING OF YOUR PROJECTS We ensure the implementation of proven solutions that comply with regulatory requirements, improve environmental performances, and assist in reducing costs: I nternationally certified and approved systems for regulatory markets Complete engineered solution from 3D drawings to assembly, testing & commissioning Established worldwide service and support structure through an exclusive distribution network of trained engineers and sales teams In order to ensure maximum performance of the monitoring systems, you can also select personalized maintenance...
SAMPLING SYSTEMS DIRECT EXTRACTIVE A continuous extraction & transportation of the flue gas from the sampling point, performing necessary conditioning to meet analysis requirements, to the analyzer. There are two types of the direct extractive method: CD Cold Dry Extractive (Dry Basis Analysis) The gas sample is extracted and conditioned before transport, in order to have all moisture and condensible components removed prior to its analysis. Upon arrival to the analyzer, the sample is clean, dry, at ambient temperature & water interference-free. DIL DILUTION EXTRACTIVE The flue gas is...
SEC™ BOX Stack Gas Sampling System The SEC™ BOX offers a sampling system that uses an exclusive high performance permeation drying technique, designed to meet almost all gas sample conditions. Ideal for highly soluble and corrosive gases. • ampling probe equipped with double stage particulate filtration S • irect span gas injection for a complete system calibration D • ermeation-based drying system avoids loss of highly P condensible gases (e.g. HCl, SO2,NO2 and HF) • utomatic & periodic back-purge functionality for A longer maintenance intervals • lean & dry sample transferred via unheated...
NDIR-GFC Multi-Gas Analyzer (Non-Dispersive Infrared Gas Filter Correlation) • xtremely compact (19’’- 3U & only 33cm/13’’ depth), made E for easy turnkey integration and seamless retrofit of most existing gas cabinets on the market Eco-designed, ultra-compact, smart & connected instrument, the MIR 9000e is your next tool to measure combustion exhaust gas from boiler, or gas emission from different industrial furnaces and process applications. • nalyzer includes AMS control functionalities: sampling control, automatic A zero and span gas injection, system alarms display, etc. Superior...
MIR 9000 • ver 5 000 installations worldwide, covering O various applications and industries • esigned to measure dry & corrosive samples D • Fast & simultaneous measurements of up to 10 gases • Dry basis measurement • utomatic cross interference correction A • ompatible with high performance drying C technologies, such as the SEC® box • ntrinsic security with residual H2O measurement I • n-board cell for O2 measurement O Multi-Gas NDIR-GFC analyzer (Non-Dispersive Infrared Gas Filter Correlation) Offers excellent performance for multigas measurements in dry sampling, including HCl, HF, NO,...
MIR FT • eated sampling system and measurement cell (with H HOFI sampling system) with temperature maintained at 180°C - ensuring no sample loss or composition changes Heated Fourier Transform Infrared Multi-Gas Analyzer Based on the FTIR technology for simultaneous measurement of: HCl, HF, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CO, CH4, TOC, H2O, CO2, O2... • deal for measuring trace concentrations in wet, I corrosive gas streams • uited for hot wet measurements of S soluble gases such as HCl, HF, NH3, etc. • ll in one system including industrial PC A & software for on-board data acquisition and...
DILUTION-BASED CEMS Low-concentration “ambient air” analyzers, with innovative design & eco-friendly. The e-Series are known for: Sustainable eco-design (with no use of heavy metals) Low carbon footprint Over 95% of analyzer’s can be recycled Ultra low power consumption • Common electronic boards: optimized spare parts stock • Economic, easy & reduced maintenance example of e-Series monitor (AC32e) • Interactivity: connected instruments • Step-by-step service assistant inside ENVEA ConnectTM • Long lifetime, excellent accuracy • Color touchscreen display The no-screen version of the...
LAS 5000XD
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