Elliott Steam Turbines
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Elliott Steam Turbines - 1

Reliability, Efficiency, Performance >

Elliott Steam Turbines - 2

Dependable, versatile turbomachinery is essential for todays refinery, chemical process, and industrial applications. Due to the high cost of energy conversion and high feedstock prices, efficiency and dependability are primary considerations for equipment operators and plant owners. Elliott steam turbines and gas expanders provide proven reliability and high efficiencies which make them a key element of successful mechanical drive or power generation services. Elliott offers a complete line of steam turbines ranging up to 135,000 HP (100,000 kW) and gas expanders up to 60,000 HP (45,000...

Elliott Steam Turbines - 4

Solid Forged Construction > All Elliott multistage steam turbines are manufactured with solid forged rotor construction. Rotors are precisely machined from solid alloy steel forgings. An integrally forged rotor provides increased reliability particularly for high speed applications. The complete rotor assembly is dynamically balanced at operating speed and overspeed tested in a vacuum bunker to ensure safety in operation. High speed balancing can also reduce residual stresses and the effects of blade seating. Elliott also offers remote monitoring of the high speed balance testing, allowing...

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DIAPHRAGMS > All diaphragms are horizontally split and diaphragm nozzles are precision machined in stainless steel to provide optimum efficiency BLADES CASING > Blade designs and materials are available in many different profiles to allow for the best performance and reliability Horizontal split casings of solid design and construction provide dependable metal-to-metal sealing. Keyed centerline support provides proper alignment and allows for thermal growth of the casing ROTORS > Solid rotor designs allow for higher speeds and steam conditions. Complete rotor assemblies are dynamically...

Elliott Steam Turbines - 7

BAR/CAM LIFT VALVES > Large multi-valve steam turbines utilize a bar/cam operated control valve for high efficiency and accurate control of flow and speed STEAM END DESIGN > A wide selection of steam end designs is available in single or multi-valve configurations TURNING GEARS > A turning gear is available when bearing span and/or operating temperature require slow-roll of the rotor BEARINGS SHAFT SEALS > Journal and thrust bearings are tilt-pad design for superior performance and dependability Labyrinth seals are specifically engineered for each application and are available in many...

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2.0 1002030405060 0.8 Flue Gas at 1300 ∞ F and 35 PSIG > 1,700,0001,105,000 TH140 > 3000-4000 Rpm TH120 > 4200-4700 Rpm 718,000467,000 Mass Flow LB/Hr - Millions Mass Flow Kg/Hr - Millions TH100 > 4900-5800 Rpm TH85 > 6000-6700 Rpm Megawatts > 403020105 Horsepower Thousands >

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Single-valve, single-stage designs > Single-valve, single-stage, multi-purpose YR turbines have a world-wide reputation for the highest quality, reliability and adaptability to serve many needs. Available in ratings up to 2500 hp (2611 kW), the YR turbine is a cost-effective answer for a wide range of requirements. Elliotts product portfolio also includes several standardized turbine models for industrial and mechanical drive applications. Elliott YR steam turbine models are standardized and components are inventoried resulting in shorter lead times and quick turnarounds. Because of their...

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Design and Features: Elliotts commitment to safety and reliability has been reinforced by the development of the Pos-E-Stop system, an emergency turbine speed controller. The 203 Trip Block is a redundant safety logic system that contains triple solenoid valves to activate a turbine emergency slow down system. Because of the triple redundancy, the system can function while one of the solenoids is being replaced or tested and still maintain a double safety margin. ҕ Improved trip system reliability compared to previous single logic controllers Lightning-fast trip response Օ Safe on-line...

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901 North Fourth Street Jeannette, PA 15644-1473, USA (PH) 724-527-2811 (FAX) 724-600-8442 For a complete contact listing of our global sales and service network, please visit us at www.elliott-turbo.com > Elliott Company reserves the right to modify the design or construction of the equipment described in this bulletin and to furnish it, as altered without further reference to the illustrations or information contained herein . Elliott Company 2008 TURBINE 12 size="-3">


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  1. YR Steam Turbines

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