グループ: A Kadant Company


Alternative Energy Solutions Wind Turbines Rotary Unions For Hydraulic Blade Pitch Systems DSTI’s fluid rotary unions provide dependable supply and return hydraulic power to the blade actuators, operating continuously in the toughest environments and conditions. DSTI’s fluid rotary unions can also be integrated with electrical slip rings to provide positioning sensor data and fiber optics. With over 2,000 blade pitch control units in service, DSTI rotary unions offer high reliability and field-proven performance. High Pressure, Multiple Passage Designs Long Life, Hydrodynamic Seal Technology Low Rotational Torque, Ideal for Continuous Duty Integrated Mounting & Electrical Slip Ring Options Specialized Stainless Steel for Offshore Environments Specialized Designs for Direct Integration into Customer Equipment Rotary Unions For Gearbox Systems DSTI’s specialized shaft-mounted rotary unions provide temperature controlled oil lubrication for gearbox assemblies ensuring reliable service life for wind turbine components. DID YOU KNOW? DSTI Exports Fluid Swivel Products To Over 50 Countries? Learn more at www.dsti.com Dynamic Sealing Technologies, Inc. | main +1 763-404-8000 |
Dynamic Sealing Technologies, Inc DSTI specializes in the design and manufacturing of application-specific fluid solutions worldwide. Between our proven technology and long-term experience working with highly complex applications, we aim to achieve our customers' project goals by reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and decreasing risks. Our core business segments are fluid rotary unions, electrical slip rings, and value-added products and services providing a singlesource solution from design and manufacturing through to testing and qualification - all under one roof. We conduct our...
カタログの2ページ目を開くDSTI - Dynamic Sealing Technologiesのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
SPS Series
10 ページ
HVH Series
16 ページ
Electrical Slip Rings
30 ページ
GP Series
30 ページ
GPS Series
30 ページ
SCS Series
20 ページ
ESE Series: Overview
9 ページ
EST Series: Overview
4 ページ
ESM Series: Overview
6 ページ
ES Series: Overview
6 ページ
HPS Series
18 ページ
SE Series
28 ページ
LT Series
24 ページ
Oil & Gas Brochure
2 ページ
Marine Brochure
2 ページ
Industry Aerospace
2 ページ
2 ページ
Plastic Molding
2 ページ
Machine Tool
2 ページ
Heavy Equipment
2 ページ