
Gas refilling and evacuating devices Gas refilling devices SF6 gas refilling device, mobile as cylinder cart with wire-braided hose For safe refilling of SF6 gas into gas compartments by overpressure Refilling device as cylinder cart for comfortable on-board carrying of a gas cylinder. The primary gauge of the pressure reducer displays the cylinder pressure in bar, psi and kPa. The secondary gauge indicates the desired filling pressure to be set easily by means of the handle. The cylinder pressure can be reduced to the desired filling pressure by the integrated pressure reducer. The use of gastight and selfclosing DILO couplings guarantees emission-free gas handling during refilling. Standard version pressure reducer for SF6 SF6 cylinder connection W 21.8 x 1/14" ■ primary gauge NG63, class 1.6, 0 - 60 bar ■ secondary gauge NG100, class 1.0, 0 - 10 bar ■ indication units in bar, ps, kPa ■ ball valve DN8 with hand wheel ■ 6 m long hose DN8 ■ DILO couplings DN8 and DN20 ■ solid tyre wheels ■ paint: anthracite-orange ■ ■ Special features Gas type: SF6 Filling of gas: 0 - 10 bar ■ DILO couplings: DN8/DN20 ■ Operation: manuell ■ ■
■ stable frame ■ hose reel ■ couplings can be exchanged without any gas loss ■ most common global cylinder connections available as accessories Technical data
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