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DW-CT/P4 - 1

Weighing inidcators DW-CT Multifunction Weight Indicators: ALPHANUMERIC Display ä This indicator allows to control various industrial weighing processes like Batching, Mixing, Sorting, Filling, Integration, Bulk-Weighing, Over/Under, Weight Tare, etc.. ä This weighing indicator incorporates a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) as standard. So, it has advanced digital filters (IIR and FIR) that allow to obtain weight data readings even faster and with higher precission. FEATURES: 3 Load Cell Input with a high speed 24 bits A/D Sigma-Delta converter. 3 Backlight LCD Display of 4x20 alphanumeric characters and 14 Led indicators. 3 2 Opto-isolated Serial Ports: RS232C and RS422 or Rs485. 3 20 Keys Keyboard to use and program the controller. 3 Time and date. 3 From 4 to 64 Opto-isolated Inputs. 3 From 4 to 192 Relay outputs. 3 Power Supply: 115 Vac / 220 Vac. 3 Dimensions: 270x160x75mm. OPTIONS: 3 2nd RS232 serial port. 3 2nd RS485 serial port. 3 Ethernet 10/100M Base T communication port. 3 WIFI communication port. 3 Opto-isolated Encoder Input. 3 Internal USB 2.0 communication port. 3 PS2 / PC Keyboard Input. 3 Opto-isolated analogical Output: 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc. Multifunction weight indicator DW-CT/P

DW-CT/P4 - 2

DW-CT Reference Weighing indicators OPERATING MODES: Description Additive filling, bagging: 1 product up to 3 rates, unload and alarms. Additive filling, bagging : 1 product up to 2 rates, unload, alarms and 10 selectable programs. Manual filling, bagging: indicator for Defect – Ok – Excess weight. Dispensing filler (lost-in-weight): 1 product up to 3 rates, reload and alarms. Associative filling: 1 product up to 3 rates, unload and alarms. Bulk weighing: up to 2 rates, unload, alarms, ticket. Check-weighing: In motion weighing, checks the weighing of a product. Quality Limits...


Data-Control PCのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. General Catalogue

    78 ページ

  2. DW-ST

    1 ページ

  3. DW-MI-DSP

    2 ページ


    1 ページ

  5. DW-MI

    2 ページ

  6. DW-M2D

    2 ページ

  7. DW-BG

    2 ページ

  8. DW-PT

    1 ページ

  9. Dosifica PC

    2 ページ

  10. Easy Filler

    1 ページ

  11. Easy Weight

    1 ページ

  12. Lorry PC

    2 ページ

  13. DC-TPC97

    2 ページ

  14. Loads cells

    6 ページ

  15. Led displays

    1 ページ

  16. Luggage weigher

    1 ページ

  17. DW-RF

    1 ページ