
DW-BG - 1

Weighing inidcators DW-BG 96 x 96 panel mount multifunction WEIGHT indicator ä This controller allows to control various industrial weighing processes like Filling, Integration, BulkWeighing, Over/Under, Weight Tare, etc. ä It is available in two versions: standard and with DSP . ä This weighing indicator with DSP has advanced digital filters (IIR and FIR) that allow to obtain weight data readings even faster and with higher precission. FEATURES: 3 Accuracy class: III - 6000d concerning EN45501 / OIML R76 (T.C: 100312001). 3 Accuracy classes for automatic weighing: 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2, according to OIML R107 (EC: 151700002). 3 Accuracy classes for automatic weighing: X(0.2), X(0.5), X(1) and X(2 ), according to OIML R061 (EC: 151700002). 3 Accuracy classes XI, XII, XIII, XIIII, Y(a), Y(b) according to OIML R51 (EC: 151700002). 3 Certified indicator firmware according to guide WELMEC 7.2 (Certificate num. 151700003). 3 Load Cell Input with a 24 bits A/D Sigma-Delta converter. 3 2 Displays of 7 Segments: 1 of 6 Digits, and 1 of 8 Digits and 14 Led Indicators. 3 2 Opto-isolated Serial Ports: RS232C and RS422 or RS485. 3 20 Keys Keyboard to use and program the controller. 3 4 PNP or NPN Opto-isolated Inputs. 3 4 Relay outputs 3 Power Supply: 115 Vac / 220 Vac. 3 Dimensions: 96x96x139mm. OPTIONS: 3 2nd RS232 serial port. 3 Ethernet 10/100M Base T communication port. 3 WIFI communication port. 3 USB 2.0 communication port. 3 Opto-isolated Encoder Input. 3 Time and date. 3 24 Vdc Power supply. 3 PS2 / PC Keyboard Input. 3 Opto-isolated analogical Output: 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc. ADDITIONAL FEATURES and OPTIONS (DSP): 3 Load Cell Input with a high speed 24 bits A/D Sigma-Delta converter. 3 Option: 2nd RS485 serial port. 3 Option: internal USB 2.0 communication port. Multifunction weight indicator DW-BG


Data-Control PCのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. General Catalogue

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  2. DW-ST

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  3. DW-MI-DSP

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  5. DW-MI

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  6. DW-M2D

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  7. DW-PT

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  8. Dosifica PC

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  9. Easy Filler

    1 ページ

  10. Easy Weight

    1 ページ

  11. Lorry PC

    2 ページ

  12. DC-TPC97

    2 ページ

  13. Loads cells

    6 ページ

  14. Led displays

    1 ページ

  15. Luggage weigher

    1 ページ

  16. DW-CT/P4

    2 ページ

  17. DW-RF

    1 ページ