Corning® ClearCurve® Single-Mode Mid-Temperature Specialty Optical Fibers for Harsh Environments
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Corning® ClearCurve® Single-Mode  Mid-Temperature Specialty Optical Fibers  for Harsh Environments - 1

Corning® ClearCurve® Single-Mode Mid-Temperature Specialty Optical Fibers for Harsh Environments Single-mode bend insensitive optical fiber with midtemperature acrylate-based coatings The Corning® ClearCurve® Single-mode bend insensitive family of fibers now includes higher temperature capability. For use at temperatures up to 180 °C and beyond, these acrylate-based fibers deliver the best macro bend performance in the industry with ease of use and handling; benefiting sensing systems operating in harsh environments. Applications: n Fiber Sensing and Data Transmission with tight bend requirements for: Aerospace and Defense Medical Structural Health Monitoring Down-Hole Drilling Features: n Acrylate-base for ease of handling n Rated for up to 180 °C n Test data available for 150 °C - 200 °C temperature range n Hermetic coating (optional) for protection against hydrogen induced attenuation increase and improved fatigue resistance Inquire for information about the application of mid-temperature coatings on glasses with optical properties that match your application or custom need. Page 1 n Consistent strength over time at elevated temperatures n A set of fibers designed to meet your small bend needs with recommended minimum bending radii of 5 mm n Fully compliant with the stringent bend performance requirements of ITU-Recommendations G.657 and G652.D n Compatible with Corning® SMF-28e® and SMF-28e+® fibers M0300052 Issued: April 2016 Supersedes: Febru

Corning® ClearCurve® Single-Mode  Mid-Temperature Specialty Optical Fibers  for Harsh Environments - 2

Cable Cutoff Wavelength (nm Maximum Attenuation (dB/km Key Geometric, Mechanical and Environmental Specifications Cladding Outside Diameter (urn) Coating Outside Diameter (urn) ProofTest (kpsi) Long lengths available (500 m minimum) Mid-Temperature Acrylate Optional Hermetic Layer Performance Characteristics (values in this table are nominal or calculated) Recommended Minimum Bending Radius (mm) 5 Part Number Table SMBIA-5-C Single-Mode Bend Insensitive Optical Fiber with: For more information about Coming's leadership in Specialty Fiber technology visit our website at...



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