
MVE High Efficiency Features include • Dry sample storage • -190°C top box temperature • Lowest liftover height • Largest LN2 capacity at vapor platform • Optional Battery Backup The MVE High Efficiency 800 Freezer Series provides vapor storage temperature at -190°C. Available in three unique sizes these freezers provide maximum storage density and provide the industry’s longest hold time. Temperature Test Graph * Temp Test indicates typical performance of 800 Series -190°C freezer with full inventory system and factory recommended level settings. Actual performance may vary with atmospheric conditions and usage.
TWO Year Parts Warranty • FIVE Year Vacuum Warranty Conforms to MDD 93/42/EEC, the Medical Device Directive for the EU. Freezer systems UL/C-UL Listed. * Without inventory ‘‘Minimum width required for vessel to pass through opening. Footprint may vary. Contact Tech Service for detailed drawings. © 2019 Chart Inc. reserves the right to discontinue its products, or change the prices, materials, equipment, quality, descriptions, specifications and/or processes to its products at any time without prior notice and with no further obligation or consequence. All rights not expressly stated herein...
Features include • Dry sample storage • -190°C top box temperature • Lowest liftover height • Largest LN2 capacity at vapor platform • 2-tier folding step • Optional Battery Backup Rack Layouts Square Rack Layout (P) Featuring the TEC 3000 The MVE 1500 Series -190°C freezers provide cryogenic storage for up to 42,000 1.2 / 2.0 ml vials. Available in three unique sizes, these freezers provide maximum storage density and provide the industry’s longest hold time.
TWO Year Parts Warranty • FIVE Year Vacuum Warranty Conforms to MDD 93/42/EEC, the Medical Device Directive for the ELI. Freezer systems UL/C-UL Listed. * Without inventory ’’Minimum width required for vessel to pass through opening. Footprint may vary. Contact Tech Service for detailed drawings, t Between usable height and clearance. Please refer to specifications. C 2019 Chart Inc. reserves the right to discontinue its products, or change the prices, materials, equipment, quality, descriptions, specifications and/or processes to its products at any time without prior notice and with no...
Features include • Dry sample storage • -190°C top box temperature • Lowest liftover height • Largest LN2 capacity at vapor platform • Two tier folding step • Optional Battery Backup Rack Layouts Square Rack Layout (P) Featuring the TEC 3000 The MVE 1800 Series -190°C freezers provide cryogenic storage for up to 94,500 1.2 / 2.0 ml vials. These freezers provide maximum storage density and provide the industry’s longest hold time.
Temperature Test Graph * Temp Test indicates typical performance of 1800 Series -190°C freezer with full inventory system and factory recommended level settings. Actual performance may vary with atmospheric conditions and usage. Visit www.chartbiomed.com for more information. C 2019 Chart Inc. reserves the right to discontinue its products, or change the prices, materials, equipment, quality, descriptions, specifications and/or processes to its products at any time without prior notice and with no further obligation or consequence. All rights not expressly stated herein are reserved by us,...
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