635 nm Red Diode Laser
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635 nm Red Diode Laser - 1

MRL-III-635 /200~500mW SPECIFICATIONS Wavelength (nm) 635±5 Output power (mW) RED DIODE LASER At 635nm >200, 300, … , 500 Transverse mode CW Power stability (rms, over 4 hours) Diode red laser 635nm is made features of ultra compact, long lifetime, low cost and easy operating, which is widely used in measurement, spectrum analysis, laser lighting show, etc. Near TE00 Operating mode <1%, <3%, <5% Warm-up time (minutes) <5 M2 factor <20 Beam divergence, full angle (mrad) <2.5 Dimensions of beam at the aperture (mm) ~5×8 Beam height from base plate (mm) 24. 8 Polarization ratio >50:1 Pointing stability after warm-up (mrad) <0.05 Operating temperature (℃) 10~35 Power supply (90-264VAC or 5VDC) PSU-III-LED PSU-III-FDA PSU-III-OEM TTL / Analog modulation Expected lifetime (hours) 140. 8(L)×73(W) ×46. 2(H) mm3, 0.6kg 10000 Warranty MxL-III-635 Optional, 2kHz or higher (on request, up to 30kHz) 1 year PSU-III-LED PSU-III-FDA PSU-III-OEM 154 (L) ×155(W) ×95 (H) mm3, 1.5kg 133 (L) ×130(W) ×65 (H) mm3, 1.2kg 100 (L) ×60(W) ×56 (H) mm3, 0.2kg Website: http://www.cnilaser.com E-mail: sales@cnilaser.com Tel: +86-431-85603799 Fax: +86-431-87020258


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