
采用新型 密封接头 解决方案 New Type of Sealing Joint Solution 通过将管道两端 (承口和端口) 注塑成型, 并用 橡胶圈密封。 The new type of sealing joint solution by using both ends of pipe(Spigot-end & Socket-end) injection molding, and sealed with the rubber ring. Injection processing. Joint about 5-10 minutes. Generally, it will take about 1 hour if use other processing methods to produce the same diameter joint. Power supply 采用注塑加工。 约5-10分钟完成一个接头。 通常, 如果使用其他加工方法来生产相同管 径的接头, 则大约需要1个小时。 Reducing Energy Consumption saving more than 20% electric quantity than single extrude methods if using re-injection extrude methods after extruding plastic by one extruder. 减少能源消耗 提高收益 如果在一台挤出机中挤出塑料后使用再注 入挤出方法, 则与单次挤出方法相比可节省 20%以上的电量。 Usage condition High Efficiency Electricity requirement Power supply
Competitive Solution We Are Ready For You, Let Us Push Boundaries All Around The World Large Diameter Injection Joint Complete Equipment Bannne Shanghai Banline Pipeline Enginering Technology Co.,Ltd. T8t<e! 57772288 Gwen.chen@banline.com GlobalService@banline.com Building 11, 14F, 518 Xinzhuan Rd.,Songjiang Shanghai,China.