Regenerative Blowers
1 / 196ページ



Regenerative Blowers - 1

The impeller blades passing the inlet port draw airor other gasses into the blower. The impeller blades then, by centrifugal action, accelerate the air out- ward and forward. Here the regenerativeӔ principle takes effect as the air is turned back by the annular shaped housing to the base of the following blades where it is again hurled outward. Each regenera- tionӔ imparts more pressure to the air. When the air reaches the stripper section at the outlet (the strip- per is the part of the blower located between the inlet and the outlet in which the annulus is reduced in size to fit closely to the sides and tips of the impeller blades) the air is strippedӔ from the impeller and diverted out of the blower. The pres- sures or vacuums generated by the one or two spinning, non-contacting, oil-free impellers are equal to those obtained by many larger multi-stage or positive displacement blowers. > Teflon lip seal in a stainless steel case standard for leakage containment to 25 cc/min or lessՕExplosion-proof motors standard and available in a variety of world voltagesAll metal-to-metal surfaces are sealed with RTV sealant Our industrial DR regenerative blowers include:ՕRugged cast aluminum housing, cover, impeller and muffler towerRemovable cast iron flanges bolted to a sheet metal manifoldՕTEFC motors on single-ended models, ODPmotors on all double-ended modelsCarbon steel shaft and zinc plated hardwareՕPermanently sealed motor bearings for 20,000-25,000 hours life > Our chemical processing/specialty gas CPblowersare designed the same as DR/EN blowers except added features include:Chem-Tough > ՙ surface conversion corrosion resistant treatment for all castingsTeflon lip seal in a stainless steel case standard for leakage containment to 25 cc/min or lessՕChemical duty motors with 303 stainless steel motor shaftsStainless steel hardware throughoutՕNickel plated flanges and muffler retainers Our environmental EN blowers are designed the same as the DR blowers, except added features include:Heavy duty cast aluminum manifoldՕOur spark resistant housing, cover, impeller, muffler tower and manifold are vacuum impregnated > Rev. 2/04 i AMETEK Technical and Industrial Products, Kent, OH 44240 e mail: Օ internet: size="-2">

Regenerative Blowers - 2

__RD (Remote Drive Regenerative) SL (Spiral > TM Regenerative) > Our industrial __RD blowers are motorlessmodels built with DR/EN/CP/SL/MF features and include:Rugged cast-iron arbor and bearingsuspension system designed with oversized shaft to with stand heavy-duty side loadsՕPrecision balanced impellers for low vibration operationHigh speed versions built with heat treated impellers available Our instrument grade SLregenerative blowers include:ՕRugged diecast aluminum housing, endbell(s) and impeller(s)Sheet metal aluminum cover(s)ՕMotor internal to the blower parts for extremely compact...

Regenerative Blowers - 3

DR/EN/CPFoot Mount Blower Nautilair > DR Double ImpellerHigh PressureBlower DR/EN/CPRail MountBlower >

Regenerative Blowers - 4

Filtration Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G-1,2,3,4Inlet and Inline Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G-1Filter Silencers and Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G-2 Moisture Separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G-3,4 Measurement Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G-5,6Air Flow Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Regenerative Blowers - 5

222018 16 141210864 2 > For other available voltage options consult your local Field Sales Engineer. 0.750.50 0.250 > PSIG INCHES OF WATER Standard Flow

Regenerative Blowers - 6

PSIG 119104 INCHES OF WATER 119134 119102 119152

Regenerative Blowers - 15

Inlet and Inline Filters > Filters protect the blower and the air distribution system from dust, and other airborne particles and contaminants. Filter Silencers and Elements > ՕInlet filter/silencers reduce noise levels while ensuring clean air is provided to the blowerand the air distribution system. The filter media is polyester designed for high efficiency over a wide spectrum of industrial applications, and elements are replaceable. Filter Moisture Separator > ٕBy separating and containing entrained liquids, Rotrons moisture separator helps protect our regenerative blowers and the end...

Regenerative Blowers - 17

Air Pollution Control > Air SamplingAir Stream Release MonitoringFire Prevention Air Sampling Flue Gas Sampling BLOWER BLOWER LENS BLOWER LENSLIGHT BEAMSTACK BLOWER BLOWER Foundry > Combustion Air Boost Instrumentation > Glove Box PressurizingIncubator Air CirculationWeather Measurement Sampling Manufacturing > BLOWER Combustion Air BoostNatural Gas BoostOil Demisting Pharmaceutical > Clean Room Air CirculationOxygen Generator Plastics Handling > Desiccant Dryer Bed Regeneration BLOWER Instrumentation > Engine/Motor CoolingFilm Development System CoolingLamp Bank CoolingSmall Enclosure...

Regenerative Blowers - 18

Foundry > Sand Reclamation PRESSUREBLOWER Manufacturing-Waste Control > BLOWER Chip, Dust & Particle RemovalLiquid & Solvent RemovalPaper, Plastic, Film & Textile (Trim) Removal Material Handling > Air SlidesBlast CleaningDilute Phase Conveying Pneumatic Tube Packaging > BLOWER Bag Filling BLOWER Aqueous PrecisionCleaning Manufacturing > BLOWER Conveyor Belt Blow-OffElectroplating Fume Guiding Electroplating Part Drying Electroplating Solution Blow-BackFlat or Irregular Metal Port DryingWire Drying Automotive Parts DryingSemiconductor Board Drying Food Processing > Batter Blow-Off Bottle &...

Regenerative Blowers - 25

1.0 2.0 > SUCTION 0.75 500250 3020100 1.5 > O 500250 60 Hz > 2 60 Hz O 2 60 Hz > mm H INCH H 50 Hz0510152025 30 051015202530 0.5 750 50 Hz 1.0 50 Hz > INCHES OF WATERPSIG MM OF WATER INCHES OF WATERINCHES OF MERCURY MM OF WATER 0.25 0.5 > 025050075000.250.50.75 CPOWERINPUTWATTSBLOWERAIR TEMPRISE 706040503002001003020100 > CPOWERINPUTWATTSBLOWERAIR TEMPRISE а AIR FLOW RATE (SCFM) MOTORWINDINGTEMP RISE 207060405020 > MOTORWINDINGTEMP RISE 300200100 -30-25-20-15 -10-5 > C C а


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