
Specifications:-Rated Voltage: Temperature Current Rating Total (Fan + RDY) Fan: RDY: Prepurge Time:- Adjustable Factory Setting 30s -0,+50% Wire the board as shown above ensuring that the correct terminals of the Air Pressure Switch are used as indicated. (The Fan Overrun switch powers the fan independently of all other control functions. It may be a thermostat or timer, for example.) The RDY terminal is live after the prepurge period provided the pressure switch works correctly. Both the FAN and RDY outputs can be used to drive contactors or external relays for higher current handling. Suitable external fuse no greater than T5A should be used to protect the board as shown above. The Auxiliary Relay is not required for normal functioning but may be used for external safety interlocks such as door switch, thermal trip, and the like. It can be used, in particular as a "Latching Relay" to ensure that only a manual start is possible. T I j |_ £ _ PREPURGE TIMER WITH FAN O/R CHECKED - SCRLE RPPROUED - ALL RESISTORS 0 25U 5x ALL ZENERS 0 5U ALL DIMENTIONS IN DIB DIM'S TO 1DP= ±0 1 an DIM'S TO 2DP= ±0 02 nm ANGLES TO ±0 5° SCALE = 100X UNLESS STATED OTHERUISE