Catalog excerpts

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Bag product delta robotic and robotic palletizing production line ^j^iSitf^/Production line designed ability : 100~300& ( ^mm^Pffi^m&FMmffl) ^SftftSffljaE/Production line machine combination : ±i|4^frf/k SaG&gflU £tftflU i&Mv JflBflL M ^j^filfflj^pp/Production applied product: This production line combined with vertical machine, satisfied with packing production line * Improving production effective* Reduce production cost* Improving product quality
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Bag product servo case loading and palletizing production line £WBH^F«/Production line designed ability: S&tt 100~500 ft ( RHgJg#PAH*l5W^»©BJ) ^P^iSm^/Production line machine combination : tfc3ftKtfk &9lfc ffiMBttlHI&tt* flW ^MSttfflPfl/Production applied product : m=F. £j£u Eft* &9L Mk This production line combined with pillow machine, satisfied with packing production line * Improving production effective* Reduce production cost* Improving product quality
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Bag product robotic loading and palletizing production line ^P^iSitPte/Production line designed ability : §##100--500& ( Rngg£/^ERS*F £j^i£§fi^Production line machine combination : ttzE^Mk JfilUffiS ^SsSffl^H/Production applied product: tff=K B«k BHL SE. nm^mtii, imzmmvis sum, JWiffifiaiwM. ««s«u *»AH«*1K iitn This production line combined with pillow machine, satisfied with packing production line ★ Improving production effective* Reduce production cost* Improving product quality """■"iMr °inr
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Bottle product automatic case loading and robotic palletizing production ^^it^tb/Production line designed ability : ^/J\0tf5OOO----30000$i ( pflglg^^B^M^y) ^PSiftMjaS/Production line machine combination iWfflls WfflL IHSflU difflfim JTWU WB&Z ^j^^liifflJ^pp/Production applied product : am&xm sjfes*. st>m mm* mma* mm. fr»s* mmm. mm* sum. Kg^smu raHH^i. sum. JT&WK #^#k miiAmm This production line combined with filling machine, satisfied with packing production line * Improving production effective* Reduce production cost* Improving product quality
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Box type product case loading and palletizing production line £P^i£itJ^/Production line designed ability : S£#60--300^ ( *m£&P£mm#P:M£ffl ) £P^i£#*fiJ5£/Production line machine combination : £t&flL j&SOftTv TfffiflL ^E^HfJls ^^Sfflj^S/Production applied product: §fli9E£&5t W4fifi£* tfcft&^ft^SRtttt^S ^fit/u asm. rrwu mmmm. mrnmn,
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Automatic Carton Packing Line The system consists of carton erector & bottom sealer, automatic carton sealer, automatic strapping machine, 90 degree push conveyor and conveying frame, which has the function of continuous automatic carton open-bottom seal-fill-uppen seal and multi-belt strapping, and it not only takes up less room but also reduces the packing cost as well. It is full automatic control and reliable working, convenient operation and simple maintenance while, all machine can be used separately. ♦ CES4035N Carton Erector & Bottom Sealer/g^?F$|&Ml 1 unit ♦ RCM/D Motor-drive...
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Automatic Carton Packing Line ♦ AS923 Automatic Carton Bottom Flap Machine/g^JlffJisflL 1 unit ♦ AS523 Carton Bottom & Top Sealer/±T*ffi!4H 1 unit ♦ AP8060A Automatic Strapping Machine/^ SMJLtfl 1 unitt ♦ RC2M Non-drive Roller Conveyor/?^1 unit Min.Packager size/^/h&frR"? L200 x W100 mm W100 x HI 00mm W200 x HlOOmm Power consumption/^^ jfj$ 0.1 KVA 0.18KVA 0.5KVA Automatic Carton Packing Line ♦ CES4035N/A Carton Erector & Bottom Sealer/i ♦ RC2M Non-drive Roller Conveyor/?csJ];h$frj££ ♦ FX-AT5050 Automatic Flaps Fold & Bottom Sealer/:£g 1 unit ♦ RC1M/D Motor-drive Roller Conveyor/*{|£|£i3££...
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Automatic Carton Packing Line Hand Carton Fold SProduct Fill ♦ AS523B Automatic Carton Top& Bottom Sealer/g^jittSfll 1 unit ♦ AP8060A Automatic Strapping Machine/:£g*Jj}S}L#l lunitt ♦ RC2M Non-drive Roller Conveyor/S^JWillis □ 1 unit ♦ CES4035N/A Carton Erector & Bottom Sealer/g3l]7F$f&j£#l 1 unit ♦ RC2M/D Motor-drive Roller Conveyor/**]^jRMSJS^l 1 unit ♦ FX-AT5050 Automatic Top Flap Carton Sealer/g*ti#rMS£f#l 1 unit ♦ AS723 Automatic Carton Corner Sealer/iSjgij&iMSfll 1 unit
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Automatic Carton Packing Line Hand Fill ♦ CES4035N/A Carton Erector & Bottom Sealer/i^fjJFSi^Jgfll 1 unit ♦ RCZM/D Motor-drive Roller Conveyor/Sb f] JR^fftiSsfcfl 1 unit ♦ FX-AT5050 Automatic Top Flap Carton Sealer/gjj&*rM#^#l 1 unit ♦ RC2M Non-drive Roller Conveyor/^c^f]^]^^^ 1 unit OPTIONS RT&BBM ♦ Automatic Carton Filler/g^]^ ♦ More Longer Motor-drive Roller Conveyor/frift£jg^3fr^j$jIj£#l ♦ Automatic Pallet Stretch Wrapping Machine/i3tl&ISl[gS#l Automatic Carton Packing Line ♦ AS523 Automatic Carton Top & Bottom Sealer/g^lHtfl 1 unit ♦ AS723 Automatic Carton Corner Sealer/g^i£#3§#l 1...
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CONVEYOR SERIES Extend Roller Conveyor Belt Conveyor With Driving Force Corner Conveyor With Driving Force
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Carton Erector SCarton Loader CARTON ERECTO. RTONLOADt, CARTON ERECTOK ^TONLOADEK CARTON ERECTOR^ "ONLOADEh CARTON ERECTOR&c ">N LOADEK CARTON ERECTOR&CA I LOADED CARTON ERECTORS v JNLOADEF CARTON ERECTORS'" /N LOADER CARTON ERECTOR&L LOADER CARTON ERECTOR&C iN LOADER CARTON ERECTOR&C/ I LOADED Carton Erector & Bottom Sealer Vertical storage is adopted for storaging carton blanks, for which carton blanks can be added at anytime without stopping the machine; It' s suitable for forming and sealing cartons of the same size. If carton size need to be changed, the operator should adjust the...
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Carton Erector & Bottom Sealer Table height/^III Power Supply/^ig%S Carton Erector & Bottom Sealer FEATURES tttt FEATURES tttt Tape size/J&^K^J" Machine weight/ftl^] High Speed Box Machine FEATURES tttt Machine sizeffilSJ^t Machine weight/fllSSM
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