Energy Saving ESD
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Catalog excerpts

Energy Saving ESD - 1


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Energy Saving ESD - 3

Energy Saving ESD Energy saving compressed air dryers / Essiccatori a refrigerazione a risparmio energetico • Higher Efficiency, Lower Cost The high-efficiency design and construction of ESD cycling dryers helps you achieve better performance, while reducing energy consumption. The patented, high-efficiency heat exchanger combined with a thermal mass circuit helps save energy at partial load. The refrigerant compressor is automatically deactivated to save energy when not needed. • Maggior efficienza con meno spese Grazie al design altamente efficiente, gli essiccatori ESD vi aiutano a...

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Energy Saving ESD - 4

Energy Saving ESD Energy saving compressed air dryers / Essiccatori a refrigerazione a risparmio energetico How does it work / Funzionamento 1 3 Layers heat exchanger Scambiatore di calore a 3 livelli Refrigerant compressor Compressore refrigerante Finned coil condenser Condensatore a pacco alettato Dehydrator filter Filtro deidratore Expansion device Dispositivo di espansione Thermal insulation Isolamento termico Glycol tank Serbatoio glicole Glycol circulator Circolatore glicole Refrigerant flow Flusso del liquido refrigerante Glycol flow Flusso del glicole When operating at partial...

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Energy Saving ESD - 5

Energy Saving Dryers Series - ESD 54 - 480 Energy saving refrigeration dryers / Essiccatori a refrigerazione a risparmio energetico AVAILABLE OPTIONS • Connections: ESD 54-480 available with NPT connections. • Optional drain: “intelligent” no-loss (Standard: timed drain). OPZIONI DISPONIBILI • Connessioni: ESD 54-480 disponibili con connessioni NPT. • Scaricatore opzionale: “intelligente” no loss (Standard: scaricatore temporizzato). Weight Peso Dimensions Dimensioni Nominal power consumption Potenza nominale assorbita Flow-rate Portata STANDARD REFERENCE CONDITIONS • Ambient temperature:...

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Energy Saving ESD - 6

Energy Saving Dryers Series - ESD 660 - 6000 Energy saving refrigeration dryers / Essiccatori a refrigerazione a risparmio energetico AVAILABLE OPTIONS • Non-standard voltages: ESD 660 available with V 230/1/60. • ESD 780-6000 available with V 460/3/60. • ESD 660-2200 available with NPT connections. • ESD 2700-6000 available with ANSI connections. • Standard drain: “intelligent” no-loss (Optional: timed drain). OPZIONI DISPONIBILI • Voltaggi fuori standard: ESD 660 disponibile con voltaggio 230/1/60. • ESD 780-6000 disponibili con voltaggio 460/3/60. • ESD 660-2200 disponibili con...

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Energy Saving ESD - 7

OFFICINE MECCANICHE INDUSTRIALI Via dell’Artigianato, 34 - 34070 Fogliano Redipuglia (GO) - ITALY Tel. ++39.0481.488516 - Fax. 0481.489871 e-mail:

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