NS/TLTS/FC Series Clean Room- robots
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Catalog excerpts

NS/TLTS/FC Series Clean Room- robots - 1

Japan & Asia Clean Robot Clean Robot CAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN TO ENSURE SAFETY Tokyo Head Office/Robot Division World Trade Center Bldg.,4-1 Hamamatsu-cho 2-chome, Phone: +81-3-3435-6908 Minato-ku Tokyo 105-6116 Japan Fax: +81-3-3437-9880 E-mail: robot-pj@khi.co.jp Akashi Works/Robot Division 1-1 Kawasaki-cho, Akashi 673-8666 Japan Phone: +81-78-921-2946 E-mail: robot-pj@khi.co.jp Fax: +81-78-923-6548 INQUIRIES œ For those persons involved with the operation / service of your system, including Kawasaki Robot, they must strictly observe all safety regulations at all times. They should carefully read the Manuals and other related safety documents. œ Products described in this catalogue are general industrial robots. Therefore, if a customer wishes to use the Robot for special purposes, which might endanger operators or if the Robot has any problems, please contact us. We will be pleased to help you. œ Be careful as Photographs illustrated in this catalogue are frequently taken after removing safety fences and other safety devices stipulated in the safety regulations from the Robot operation system. KAWASAKI ROBOTICS (USA), INC. 28059 Center Oaks Court, Wixom, MI 48393, U.S.A. Phone: +1-248-305-7610 E-Mail : info@kri-us.com Fax: +1-248-305-7618 www.kawasakirobot.com KAWASAKI ROBOTICS (UK) LTD. Units 6 & 7 Easter Court, Europa Boulevard, Westbrook Phone:+44-1925-71-3000 Warrington WA5 5ZB, United Kingdom Fax: +44-1925-71-3001 E-Mail : info@kawasakirobot.co.uk www.kawasakirobot.uk.com KAWASAKI ROBOTICS GmbH. 29 Sperberweg 41468 Neuss, Germany Phone: +49-2131-34260 E-Mail : info@kawasakirobot.de Fax: +49-2131-3426-22 www.kawasakirobot.de KAWASAKI MACHINE SYSTEMS KOREA, LTD. 3rd Floor (307), Industrial Complex Support Bldg., 637, Phone: +82-32-821-6941 Kojan-Dong, Namdong-Gu, Incheon, 405-817 Korea Fax: +82-32-821-6947 E-Mail : sales@kmsk.co.kr www.kawasakirobot.co.kr www.khi.co.jp/robot/

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NS/TLTS/FC Series Clean Room- robots - 2

1 2 3 4 5 Kawasaki, a pioneer manufacturer of industrial robots has now opened the door to the future for the world of clean robots. Consequently, Kawasaki is able to realize: High throughput. High speed operation is realized by adopting an operation conveying system of high rigidity based on a gear train. Smooth operation based on continuous trajectory operation and accuracy control. High speed operation based on snake motion (Offset linear interpolation operation). Worldwide support. Expanding our sales and service outlets in major areas worldwide. Providing reliable support by our...

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NS/TLTS/FC Series Clean Room- robots - 3

NX510 NX520 NX540 NX550.. 4 5 4 5 330° 330° 318° 410° 440mm 440mm 440mm 440mm 832mm 832mm 1,232mm 1,232mm 336° 336° 366° 390° | 336° | 390° ±0.1mmiWafer Centerj.. ISO Class 1iMeasured by Kawasakij.. Model Degree of Freedom Repeatability Cleanliness È Axis Z Axis X Axis Rotation:JT2 Up/Down:JT3 In/Out:JT4 Rotation:JT6 Rotation:JT7 Motion Range W Axis (Lower) W Axis (Upper) œNX520 œNX550 NX510 NX520 NX540 NX550 NX520 NX540 NX550 Standard Specifications Motion Range & Dimensions 3 4 Features Horizontal Articulated Arm 2-Link 1-Wrist 3-Link 1-Wrist 2-Link 2-Wrist 3-Link 2-Wrist Operations...

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NS/TLTS/FC Series Clean Room- robots - 4

NS410 NS411 NS420.. 3 4 4.. 2port : 660mm@3port : 1,070mm@4port : 1,670mm 380° 325° 325° 380mm 380mm 380mm 710mm 798mm X1 : 646.8mm / X2 : 646.8mm.. | 156° | Model Degree of Freedom Repeatability Cleanliness Repeatability Cleanliness Y Axis È Axis Z Axis X Axis F Axis Travel:JT1 Rotation:JT2 Up/Down:JT3 In/Out:JT4 Rotation:JT5 ISO Class 2 ±0.1mmiWafer Centerj.. Motion Range NS510 NS511.. 3 4 | | 360° 473° 440‚‚ 440mm 598mm 816.5mm | 200° ±0.1mmiWafer Centerj ±0.1mmiWafer Centerj.. Model Degree of Freedom Y Axis È Axis Z Axis X Axis F Axis Travel:JT1 Rotation:JT2 Up/Down:JT3 In/Out:JT4...

Open the catalog to page 4
NS/TLTS/FC Series Clean Room- robots - 5

TS520 4 330‹iOption:360‹j 1,590mm 536mm 536mm ±0.1 mmiPrecision at the end of handj Model Degree of Freedom Repeatability Cleanliness È Axis Z Axis X1 Axis X2 Axis Rotation:JT2 Up/Down:JT3 In/Out:JT4 In/Out:JT5 ISO Class 2 Model Degree of Freedom Repeatability Cleanliness Y Axis È Axis Z Axis X Axis Travel:JT1 Rotation:JT2 Up/Down:JT3 In/Out:JT4 Motion Range Motion Range ISO Class 2 ±0.1 mmi Precision at the end of handj.. 320mmi¦1j.. 453.5mmi¦2j 317mmi¦1j.. 448.5mmi¦2j.. 320mmi¦1j |.. 470°.. i¦1jArm length is 90 mm i¦2jArm length is 135 mm TS310 TS311 TS312.. 4 4 3.. 1,100 mm/1,540 mm 460...

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NS/TLTS/FC Series Clean Room- robots - 6

6 6iOption:7j ±160° {150‹`|60° {140‹`|105° {120‹`|155° ±360° ±270° ±135° ±145° ±130° ±360° ±0.03mm ±0.05mm/±0.1mm ±0.1mm ±0.15mm 2kg 6kg 10kg 20kg 30kg 45kg 60kg TL420S TL421S TL220S TL221S TL410S TL411S TL210S TL211S iTL420Tj iTL421Tj iTL220Tj iTL221Tj iTL410Tj iTL411Tj iTL210Tj iTL211Tj.. .. .. i1,260mm/2,460mm/3,660mmj i1,260mm/2,460mm/3,660mmj 330° 330° 330° 330° 330° 330° 330° 330° 1,420mm 1,410mm 760mm 760mm 1,420mm 1,420mm 760mm 760mm 1,500mm 1,750mm 1,500mm 1,750mm 1,500mm 1,750mm 1,500mm 1,750mm 1,500mm 1,750mm 1,500mm 1,750mm Ñ ±0.2mmiPrecision at the end of handj ±0.2mmiPrecision...

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All Kawasaki Robotics GmbH catalogs and technical brochures

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Archived catalogs

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  6. R-Series

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  7. Lineup

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  8. MC/MS-Series

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  9. Overview

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  10. K-Roset

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  12. Palletizer

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  26. FSJ

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  27. PC Roset

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  28. Y Series

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  30. R series

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  31. E controller

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  32. D-Controller

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  33. EDU Pack

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  34. Line up

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