Catalog excerpts

Ergonomic Handling Systems
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Global Solution Centers Providing turnkey, customized solutions that improve our customers’ productivity and efficiency: Custom Ergonomic Handling Systems Custom Multi-Spindle Fastening Systems Custom Solution Process Application Review and Quote Order Receipt Project Kickoff Engineering Design Customer Approval Customer Buy-off Installation Support and Service Offering full-service capabilities tailored to our customers’ needs: Engineering Feasibility study Installation and start-up support Concept design Preventive maintenance System design Calibration and repair service Technical support...
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˘ er·go·nom·ics (ûr'guh-nom'ıks) n. 1. The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. 2. Design factors, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by minimizing operator fatigue and discomfort. See also: Ingersoll Rand Since 1959, Ingersoll Rand has been at the forefront of developing ergonomic solutions for lifting, manipulating, and transferring loads by offering a complete line of products designed to maximize productivity while simultaneously minimizing operator fatigue and...
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4 Three Building Blocks to a Complete Ergonomic Handling Solution Overhead Support • Capacities up to 2,000 lb • Floor supported to eliminate the need for overhead support structure • For use when there is adequate floor space and /or the ceiling structure cannot support the load • Provides rectangular coverage for a single workstation, or an entire assembly line with multiple bridge cranes • Capacities up to 3,000 lb • F or use when there is limited floor space and adequate ceiling structure to support the load •C apable of mounting parallel or perpendicular to overhead support steel •P...
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• Capacities up to 2,000 lb • 360 degrees of circular coverage area • Available with up to 14 ft (12 ft standard) boom underclearance • Floor and wall mounting options • Standard and low profile configurations • Useful for short transfer applications less than 20 ft • Capacities up to 1,000 lb • Great for reaching in, under, and around obstacles to precisely and effortlessly position loads • Column or overhead mounting options • Available in three styles: articulating, parallel link, and vertical mast • Up to 10 ft of horizontal reach • Capacities up to 150 lb • Vertical travel range of up...
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Rail Systems The backbone of any ergonomic material handling system Ingersoll Rand offers: Ceiling-supported workstation bridge cranes Freestanding workstation bridge cranes Monorails Ingersoll Rand Rail Systems are now MMA-Certified.
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Zimmerman Series Rail Systems Ceiling-supported workstation bridge cranes: Hanger assembly I deal for high-volume production environments with limited floor space apable of mounting C parallel or perpendicular to overhead support steel Safety cable assembly rovide rectangular P coverage for a single workstation, or an entire assembly line with multiple bridge cranes Support steel Runway Bridge crane Freestanding workstation bridge cranes: loor supported to eliminate F the need for overhead support structure Custom-designed structures available to meet special applications vailable in 1/4,...
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Zimmerman Series Rail Systems Profiles: Quality steel, aluminum, and stainless steel rail systems Ingersoll Rand rails are available in three different materials and five different sizes to meet your specific material handling needs. The enclosed rail systems design reduces the accumulation of dirt and grime on the internal rolling surfaces, thus reducing rolling effort. The Ingersoll Rand Rail Systems Lightweight and ergonomic — Less than 1 percent rolling resistance Precision running surface — Aluminum, steel, and stainless steel available ow MMA Certified — Certified by the Monorail...
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Zimmerman Series Rail Systems Pivoting hanger Components: Safety first The primary and vital concern of Ingersoll Rand is safety. Safety cable Deflection — Ingersoll Rand rail is designed to not exceed 1/450 of span, in accordance with ANSI B30.11 monorail and underhung cranes afety cables — We require the use of safety cables at all moving (hanger S and end-truck) suspension points Redundant end stops — Available for extra safety Load ratings — Clearly marked on both sides of bridge cranes afety factor — All hardware components are rated at a 5 to 1 safety factor S based on meticulous...
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Zimmerman Series Rail Systems Accessories: Power supply TOP VIEW Air bracket assembly Air supply kits: Available in both 3/8" and 1/2" to fit application needs Includes filter regulator to ensure clean regulated air supply Provides complete utilization of the bridge and runway system Pipe fittings Electrical supply kits: Pre-coil hose SIDE VIEW vailable with or A without flat conductor cable Wire rope clamps Thimbles Shut-off valve S ecured to rail system eliminating interference with operator Straight hose assembly Air regulator and gauge assembly Additional accessories: Assorted load...
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Zimmerman Series Rail Systems Additional resources: The Assembly Configuration Engine (ACE) ACE is extremely flexible, enabling you to quote projects in a variety of ways. You can use ACE as a simple, guided selling tool to automatically configure systems based on relatively few inputs, or you can put it to use as a fully customized system with multiple options that you pick and choose. Quoting with the tool is simply a matter of selecting the type of rail system(s) needed, entering customer requirements, choosing accessories and parts, then inputting customer information for the proposal....
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Jib Cranes Solutions for compact workstations Ingersoll Rand offers: 220° or 360° rotation Floor or wall mount Standard or low profile Capacities to 2,000 lb
Open the catalog to page 12All INGERSOLL RAND catalogs and technical brochures
Industrial Lifting Equipment
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Liftstar and Pullstar Winches
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Liftstar Heavy Air winches
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Pullstar Heavy Air winches
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Liftstar Portable Air
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SideKick Flyer
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Fulcrum Winches
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Manual Hoists
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ELK Series
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ELK Series Electric Hoist
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Winch & Hoist
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Infinity FA10i Air Winches
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Arm Systems
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Winches & High Capacity Hoists
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Winch & Hoist Catalog 2012
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TIR6600 Series
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RT Series
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PT and GT Series
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Rail Systems
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Jib crane
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VL2 " Premium" Series
1 Pages
SLB "Silver" Series
1 Pages
L5H "Premium" Series
1 Pages
P Series Ratchet Puller
1 Pages
C Series Ratchet Puller
1 Pages
LIFTCHAIN® Hydraulic Hoist
8 Pages
LIFTCHAIN® Chain Hoist Series
10 Pages
MLK Chain Hoist Series
9 Pages
Handling Device Catalog
6 Pages
12 Pages
Industrial Lifting Equipment
20 Pages
CLK Series Air Chain Hoist
6 Pages
Spring Balancers
2 Pages