Catalog excerpts

Carbon Fiber from Hexcel
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HEXCEL STRENGTHS HexTow® carbon fiber from Hexcel is produced in a continuous operation in which the polyacrylonitrile precursor undergoes a series of precisely controlled processes. Exposure to extremely high temperatures chemically changes the precursor, yielding high strength-to-weight and high stiffness-to-weight properties through oxidation and carbonization. The successive surface treatment and sizing stages improve bonding and handleability. The resulting carbon fber is stronger than steel, lighter than aluminum and as stiff as titanium. It can be supplied in two basic forms:...
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Typical Epoxy Composite Properties* Property Test Method 0˚ Tensile Strain 0˚ Flexural Strength 0˚ Flexural Modulus 0˚ Short Beam Shear Strength Open Hole Tensile Strength Open Hole Compressive Strength * 350˚F Cure, Room Temperature, Dry Test Results. Data shown are normalized to 60% Fiber Volume where applicable Sizing Available with HexTow® Continuous Carbon Fiber Products Designation Size Compatibility* Recommended Uses Sizing Level Epoxy, Phenolic, Polycarbonate, Polyurethane, Polyester, Polysulfones, Cyanate Ester, Vinyl Ester, Nylon, BMI, PES, PEEK, PEKK, PES, PVC, Polyimide,...
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Important Hexcel Corporation believes, in good faith, that the technical data and other information provided herein is materially accurateas of the date this document is prepared. Hexcel reserves the right to modify such information at any time. The performancevalues in this data sheet are considered representative but do not and should not constitute specification minima. The only obligations of Hexcel, including warranties, if any, will be set forth in a contract signed by Hexcel or in Hexcel’s then currentstandard Terms and Conditions of Sale as set forth on the back of Hexcel’s Order...
Open the catalog to page 4All Hexcel Corporation catalogs and technical brochures
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G-EV 974GI
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English Winter Sports
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Wind Turbine Blades
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Redux® 100 series
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HexPly® M19.1/M19.6
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HexFlow® HT 804
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Modipur® US 569 B
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Modipur® US 583 F
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HexTow ® AS7
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HexTow ® IM2A
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HexTow ® AS4A
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HexTow ® HM63
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HexPly® 8552 Epoxy Matrix
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HexPly® M77
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HexTow® AS4
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HexTow® Chopped Fiber
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Winter Sports
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HexWeb® Acousti-Cap®
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Archived catalogs
HiTape® Reinforcements
4 Pages
Redux / hexbond
8 Pages