Group: Aliaxis Italia
Catalog excerpts
I dati del presente prospetto sono forniti in buona fede. La FIP non si assume alcu- na responsabilit su quei dati non diret- tamente derivati da norme internazionali. La FIP si riserva di apportarvi qualsiasi modifica.The data given in this leaflet are offered in good faith. No liability can be accepted concerning technical data that are not directly covered by recognized interna- tional standards. FIP reserves the right to carry out any modification to the products shown in this Ieaflet.Les donnes contenues dans cette brochure sont fournies en bonne foi. FIP nassume aucune responsabilit...
Open the catalog to page 5DensitDensityDensitDichteIndice di fluidit Melt flow Index (230C, 5 Kg) Indice de fluiditЩ (230C, 5 Kg) Schmelzindex (230аC, 5 Kg)Modulo di elasticitFlexural ModulusModule dҩlasticitElastitizittsmodulResistenza IZOD con intaglio a 23餰CIZOD notched impact strenght at 23CRЩsistance IZOD avec entaille 23CIZOD Widerstand mit Kerbe bei 23రCAllungamento alla rotturaTensile elongation break Allongement la ruptureBrchdehnungDurezza RockwellRockwell HardnessDuret RockwellHrte RockwellResistenza alla trazioneTensile strengthRsistance la tractionZugfestigkeitRammollimento VICAT (1 Kg)VICAT softening...
Open the catalog to page 8RESISTENZA TERMICAThermal resistanceRsistance ThermiqueWrmebest餤ndigkeitBASSA RUGOSIT SUPERGICIALELow surface roughnessSurface peu rugueuseGeringe Oberfl$chenrauheitRESISTENZA CHIMICAChemical resistanceRsistance chimiqueChemische Widertandsfhigkeit OTTIMA RESISTENZA ALL餒ABRASIONEAbrasion resistanceRsistance l頒abrasionKorrosionsfestigkeitCOMPLETAMENTE RICICLABILE E NON TOSSICO Fully recyclable and non toxicCompltement recyclable et non toxiqueVoellig wiederverwertbar und UngiftigFACILIT DI GIUNZIONE (POLIFUSIONE A CALDO NEL BICCHIERE, DI TESTA ED ELETTROFUSIONE, FLANGIATURA E...
Open the catalog to page 9s ISO 10931 Sistemi di componenti (Tubi, Raccordi e Valvole) in PVDF per applicazioni industriali. s ISO 10931 Plastics piping systems in PVDF for Industrial applications. s ISO 10931 Systmes de composantes (Tubes, Raccords et vannes) en PVDF pour applications industrielles. s ISO 10931 Rohrsysteme (Rohre, Fittings und Ventile) aus PVDF fr Anwendungen in der Industrie. s DVS 2207-15 Saldature di componenti in PVDF. s DVS 2207-15 Soudure des components en PVDF. s DVS 2207-15 Schwei輟en von PVDF Komponenten. s DVS 2207-15 Socket welding of PVDF compo-nents. s DVS 2202-1 Imperfezioni di...
Open the catalog to page 10Tubazioni in PVDFPVDF pipes Tubes en PVDF Rohre aus PVDF PVDF >
Open the catalog to page 11I dati del presente prospetto sono forniti in buona fede. La FIP non si assume alcu- na responsabilit su quei dati non diret- tamente derivati da norme internazionali. La FIP si riserva di apportarvi qualsiasi modifica.The data given in this leaflet are offered in good faith. No liability can be accepted concerning technical data that are not directly covered by recognized interna- tional standards. FIP reserves the right to carry out any modification to the products shown in this Ieaflet.Les donnes contenues dans cette brochure sont fournies en bonne foi. FIP nassume aucune responsabilit...
Open the catalog to page 12s Abmessungen von d 16 mm bis d 110 mm. s Maximale Betriebstemperatur: -40 C bis +140а C. s Betriebsdruck: - bis zu PN 25 bar ( d 16 - 32 mm) bei 20 C. - bis zu PN 20 bar (d 40 - 50 mm) bei 20а C. - bis zu PN 16 bar (d 63 - 100 mm) bei 20 C. s Material: Polyvinylidenfluorid SOLEF PVDF. s Verbindungstechnik: Heizelementmuffenschweissen und Stumpfschweissen s Gamme dimensionnelle de d 16 mm Р d 110 mm. s Temprature maximale de service: de -40 C 鰠 +140C s Pression de service: - jusquВ PN 25 bar (d 16 - 32 mm) 20࠰ C. - jusquҠ PN 20 bar (d 40 - 50 mm) 20 C. - jusquఒ PN 16 bar (d 63 - 110 mm) 20࠰...
Open the catalog to page 134015109876543,532,521,510,5 10 鰰 C40 C30 а C20 C а C95 2010 60 C70 а C 140 C50 а C80 C а C90 C100 > pressione di esercizio - working pressurepression de service - Betriebsdruck а C110 130 C120 > temperatura di esercizio - working temperaturetempЩrature de service - Betriebstemperatur Tensione tangenziale - Hoop sress - Tension tangentielle Vergleichsspannung C > 1 5102550100 Anni/Years/AnnЩes/Jahre Durata di vita - Time to failureDure - Standzeit
Open the catalog to page 14I dati del presente prospetto sono forniti in buona fede. La FIP non si assume alcu- na responsabilit su quei dati non diret- tamente derivati da norme internazionali. La FIP si riserva di apportarvi qualsiasi modifica.The data given in this leaflet are offered in good faith. No liability can be accepted concerning technical data that are not directly covered by recognized interna- tional standards. FIP reserves the right to carry out any modification to the products shown in this Ieaflet.Les donnes contenues dans cette brochure sont fournies en bonne foi. FIP nassume aucune responsabilit...
Open the catalog to page 17s Gamma dimensionale da d 16 mm a d 110 mm. s Size range: from d 16 mm up to d 110 mm. s Gamme dimensionnelle de d 16 mm d 110 mm. s Abmessungen von d 16 mm bis d 110 mm. s Resistenza a pressioni di esercizio: - fino a 16 bar a 20 C. s Pressure rating: - Max working pressure up to 16 bar at 20ర C. s Rsistance aux pression de service: - jusqu钠 16 bar 20 C. s Druckstufe bis PN 16 bar bei 20ర C. s Temperatura massima di esercizio: da -40 C. a +140а C. s Maximum working temperature: from -40 C to +140а C. s Temprature maximale de service: de -40 C 鰠 +140 C. s Maximale Betriebstemperatur: -40а C...
Open the catalog to page 184015109876543,532,521,510,5 10 鰰 C40 C30 а C20 C а C95 2010 60 C70 а C 140 C50 а C80 C а C90 C100 > pressione di esercizio - working pressurepression de service - Betriebsdruck а C110 130 C120 > temperatura di esercizio - working temperaturetempЩrature de service - Betriebstemperatur Tensione tangenziale - Hoop sress - Tension tangentielle Vergleichsspannung (MPa) C > 1 5102550100 Anni/Years/AnnЩes/Jahre Durata di vita - Time to failureDure - Standzeit
Open the catalog to page 19s Heizelementmuffenschweien: DVS 2207 teil 15, ISO 10931 fr Rohre nach ISO 10931. s Farbe: wei traslucido s Soudure dans lߒemboture: DVS 2207-15, ISO 10931 assemblage avec tubes selon le norme ISO 10931. > s Couleur: blanc translucideFIP stellt eine komplette Palette von Fittings aus PVDF her, die den fol- genden Normen entsprechen: > s Socket welding: DVS 2207-15, ISO 10931 coupling to pipes according to ISO 10931. FIP produce una gamma di raccordi in PVDF i cui attacchi sono in accor- do con la seguenti norme: s Colour: white translucentFIP produit une gamme de raccords en PVDF qui...
Open the catalog to page 20All FIP - Formatura Iniezione Polimeri catalogs and technical brochures
SXE-SSE 2024
13 Pages
6 Pages
134 Pages
16 Pages
S1 - S2
12 Pages
Water Treatment solutions
28 Pages
Chemical Industry Solutions
28 Pages
Swimming Pool&Spa Solutions
28 Pages
PVC-U Fittings
114 Pages
FE DN 40÷200
14 Pages
VKD DN 10÷50
16 Pages
Corporate presentations
12 Pages
TKD Dual Block
14 Pages
16 Pages
16 Pages
16 Pages
20 Pages
16 Pages
45 Pages
VM/RM DN 8÷15
6 Pages
SXE-SSE DN 10÷50
17 Pages
DK DN 15÷65
16 Pages
DK/CP DN 15÷20
20 Pages
Archived catalogs
24 Pages
2 Pages
VKD Dual Block
6 Pages
12 Pages
VEE Easyfit Promotional Brochure
16 Pages
VXE Easyfit Promotional Brochur
16 Pages
PVC-U Manual Valves
246 Pages
PP-H (100) System
198 Pages
C-PVC TemperFIP 100 System
165 Pages
MAGNUM System and Clamp Saddles
12 Pages
Variable Area Flowmeters
14 Pages
New VKD Ball Valve Dual Block
14 Pages