Catalog excerpts

Product Summary EMAG Group
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Manufacturing Systems for Precision Metal Components. VL Series Standard vertical turning machine Machining of chucked components VSC TWIN Series Vertical multi-spindle machine, simultaneous machining of 2 chucked components VTC Series Vertical 4-axis machining of shafts VSC DS Series Vertical turning and grinding machine for chucked components 2 PM Series Crankshaft grinder VSC 200 TRIO Vertical multi-spindle machine, simultaneous machining of 3 chucked components E M A G SN Series Camshaft grinder VTC 315 DS Series Vertical turning and grinding machine for shafts G R O U P
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Table of Contents Page EMAG VL 2 5 EMAG VL 3 5 EMAG VL 5i 6 EMAG VL 7 7 EMAG VL Y VL 2 Series Vertical pick-up turning machines 4 EMAG VL 2 P 7 EMAG VSC 250 / 400 / 500 8 EMAG VSC 250 / 400 DUO 9 EMAG VSC 160 / 250 TWIN 9 EMAG VSC 200 TRIO EMAG VLC 250 9 10 EMAG VLC 500 / 800 / 1200 12 REINECKER VSC 400 DS / DDS 12 EMAG VLC 250 DS 13 KOPP VG 110 13 EMAG VT 2 14 EMAG VTC 250 / VTC 250 DUO 15 EMAG VTC 315 / VTC 315 DUO 15 EMAG VTC 315 DS 15 KARSTENS HG 2 / 204 / 208 16 KOPP SK 204 17 KOPP SN 204 / 208 17 KOPP SN 310 / 320 17 NAXOS-UNION PM 2 18 NAXOS-UNION PM 310 / 320 K Series Gears of all...
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EMAG VL 2 Three axes + turret with up to twelve powered tools + automation. C H U C K E D C O M P O N E N T S The basic VL 2 machine is a three-axis vertical chuck turning machine, with an eye catching design. Its base is made of MINERALIT® polymer concrete. The working spindle is mounted on the front of the base on a compound slide which completes movements in the X and Z-axes. The turret below the working spindle can hold up to twelve turning or powered tools. Capacity VL 2 Chuck dia., max 160 Swing dia. mm 200 X-axis travel mm 650 Z-axis travel 4 mm mm 400
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EMAG VL 2 P EMAG VL 3 Five axes + turret with up to twelve tools + automation + The VL 3 standard vertical turning machine features optional OP 10 / OP 20 turn over station. The VL 2 P is a maximum productivity, long-term accuracy, two-spindle vertical turning machine with pendulum excellent operational safety and is user-friendly. The technology for parts with a diameter of up to 100 mm. pick-up spindle is part of the overhead slide and is The main focus during the design of the VL 2 P was on responsible for the transporting of the parts. Short reducing idle times. Non-productive times in...
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EMAG VL 5i The VL 5i is a one spindle vertical pick-up turning machine: machining + automation – it includes measuring, integrated in a single machine which requires the minimum amount of oor space. C H U C K E D C O M P O N E N T S The machine base and compound slide are made of MINERALIT® polymer concrete and are standard components on the VL 5i. This results in excellent damping and optimal conditions for hard turning. Another advantage is that these machines have very short lead times. Capacity VL 5i Chuck dia., max. 250 Swing dia. mm 270 X-axis travel mm 650 Y-axis travel mm – Z-axis...
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EMAG VL 7 EMAG VL Y The VL 7 (chuck dia. 400 mm) is a vertical pick-up turning As the name suggests, the VL Y features a Y-axis. machine for heavy workpieces of up to 340 mm in The Y-axis makes it possible to machine extremely diameter. The machine is equipped with a workpiece complex geometries. storage conveyor. The machine is loaded and unloaded by the pick-up Thanks to the Y-axis, o-center milling and drilling can be spindle. The machine base is made of MINERALIT® done without special tools, increasing the versatility of the polymer concrete which is characterized by excellent machine....
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EMAG VSC 250 / 400 / 500 This vertical pick-up turning machine is for the machining of chucked components with a diameter of up to 500 mm. The optimal use of the VSC series is through technology integration for soft and hard machining. C H U C K E D C O M P O N E N T S Turning, drilling, grinding, milling, gear proling and honing – all on a single machine. Measuring of workpieces is done with a probe or plug gauge and is fast and accurate as part of the machine setup. Capacity VSC Chuck dia. mm 250 to 500 Swing dia. mm 350 to 520 Workpiece dia. mm 250 to 440 X-axis travel mm 745 to 1,000...
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EMAG VSC 250 / 400 DUO EMAG VSC 160 / 250 TWIN EMAG VSC 200 TRIO The cost eective solution to the machining of small and These are high-performance, high-precision machines for medium size components in two operations. mass production – the vertical multi-spindle process allows for the simultaneous machining of two or three workpieces. The DUO has two separate machining areas with The VSC TWIN and VSC TRIO series combine high-yield independently programmable overhead slides. Both production with a small footprint. machining areas feature, in its front wall, an EMAG disc-type turret that is...
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EMAG VLC 250 The VLC 250 is a vertical manufacturing system, with a main benet being universal application. C H U C K E D C O M P O N E N T S The application dictates the number and position of turrets and the kind of automation needed. The machine concept accommodates dierent machining technologies, such as turning, drilling, grinding, milling and the use of multi-technology units with tool changer. Capacity VLC 250 Chuck dia., max. 250 / 315 Swing dia. mm 350 Workpiece dia. (nominal) mm 250 X-axis travel mm 1,600 Y-axis travel (optional) mm ±100 Z-axis travel 10 mm mm 300
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EMAG VLC 500 / 800 / 1200 These multi-functional production centers in gantry design have a high chip capacity and are ideal for the complete machining of large workpieces. Technology integration allows for complete machining in a single setup. Soft and hard machining, interrupted cuts, turning, drilling, milling, grinding and heavy-duty machining with excellent precision. Capacity VLC Chuck dia. mm 500 to 1,250 Swing dia. X-axis travel mm 820 to 1,500 mm 2,350 to Z-axis travel 2,960 mm 700 to 1,000 11
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REINECKER VSC 250 DS REINECKER VSC 400 DS / DDS These turning and grinding centers combine the advantages of vertical hard turning and grinding – on a single machine, in a single setup. C H U C K E D C O M P O N E N T S This is a great machine for process stream consolidation. The machine oers the user many advantages: low capital outlay, low unit production costs, reduced throughput times, improved component quality and a high degree of process integrity. Capacity VSC 250 DS VSC 400 DS / DDS Chuck dia., max. 250 400 mm 260 420 X-axis travel mm 680 850 Z-axis travel mm 200 315 Y-axis travel...
Open the catalog to page 12All EMAG GmbH & Co. KG catalogs and technical brochures
16 Pages
Hardening Systems
12 Pages
Joining Machines
12 Pages
16 Pages
Laser-Welding Machine - ELC 160
20 Pages
Gear Hobbing Machine - VLC 200 H
12 Pages
Gear Hobbing Machine - K 300
12 Pages
Gear Hobbing Machine - K 200
12 Pages
Gear Hobbing Machines - K 160
12 Pages
Machining Centers - VLC
20 Pages
Machining Centers - VM series
16 Pages
Grinding Machine - HG 2
8 Pages
Grinding Machine - SN 204-208
12 Pages
Grinding Machine - VG 110
16 Pages
Grinding Machine - SK 204
8 Pages
Grinding Machine - PM 310-320
12 Pages
Grinding Machine - PM 2
8 Pages
Turning Machine - VTC 315 DS
12 Pages
Turning Machine - VTC
16 Pages
Turning Machine - VTC 100 GT
4 Pages
Turning Machine - VT
8 Pages
Turning Machine - VSC DUO twin
24 Pages
Turning Machines - VSC
20 Pages
Turning Machine - VMC
12 Pages
Turning Machine - VM
4 Pages
Turning Machine - VLC 250
20 Pages
Turning Machines - VL
16 Pages
Vertical grinding machine VG 110
16 Pages
20 Pages
ELC Laser Welding Systems
20 Pages
ECM / PECM Technology
20 Pages
Crankshaft grinder PM2
8 Pages
Crankshaft grinder PM310/320
12 Pages