Catalog excerpts

Components Table of Contents Nd:YAG Laser Optics Nd:YAG Laser Optics Nd:YAG Laser Crystals Optical ComponentS Cleaning Instructions See page A.4
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ND:YAG LASER OPTICS J&EKSMA optics" Nd:YAG Laser Optics “ LASER MiRRORS Our Nd:YAG laser mirrors are suitable for fundamental Nd:YAG laser 1064 nm, frequency-doubled 532 nm, frequency-tripled 355 nm and frequency quadrupled 266 nm wavelength application. Two kinds of substrate material are available. Laser line mirrors are designed for 45° angle of incidence. Featuring high polishing quality, low scattering and high damage threshold, our dielectric reflectors enables perfect beam steering for Nd:YAG lasers. SUBSTRATE Material COATING Technology Laser Line Mirrors Substrate material: BK7...
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l^EKSMA OPTICS Nd:YAG LaserLinE Laser Line Mirrors Substrate material: UV grade Fused Silica ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS Wavelength, nm Dual Band Mirrors Substrate material: BK7 grade A RELATED PRODUCTS Prisms See page 1.43 Kinematic Mirror/Beamsplitter Mounts 840-0056 See page 8.65
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ND:YAG LASER OPTICS J&EKSMA OPTICS Dual Band Mirrors Substrate material: UV grade Fused Silica Size - 012.7 x 3 mm RELATED PRODUCTS Laser Line and Dual Laser Line Mirrors of other wavelengths See page 1.19 Metal Coated Mirrors LASER HARMONiC SEPARATORS Offered on 0 0.5 or 1 inch substrates of BK7 or UV FS with surface flatness A/10 SUBSTRATE Harmonic separators are dichroic beamsplitters that reflect one wavelength and transmit the others. Reflectance is higher than 99.5% for the wavelength of interest and transmittance is at least 90% for the rejected wavelengths. The rear surface of...
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l^EKSMA OPTICS Nd:YAG LaserLinEStandard Laser Harmonic SeparatorsCOATING RELATED PRODUCTS Pellin-Broca Prisms See page 1.45 ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS Reflected wavelength, Transmitted Transmission, AOI, Substrate HOUSING ACCESSORIES Adapter for Beamsplitter at 45° 840-0116 See page 8.77 Kinematic Mirror and Beamsplitter Mount 840-0020 See page 8.57
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ND:YAG LASER OPTICS J&EKSMA OPTICS LASER OUTPUT COUPLERS An output coupler is a partially reflecting dielectric mirror used in a laser cavity. It transmits a part of the circulating intracavity power for generating a useful output from the laser. A low transmission output coupler leads to a low laser threshold, but also possibly to poor laser efficiency if the losses due to output coupling do not dominate over other parasitic losses in the laser cavity. The output coupler transmission is often chosen to maximize the achieved output power, although its optimum value may be lower or higher if...
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l^EKSMA OPTICS Nd:YAG LaserLinE ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS Size - 025.4 x 6 mm Wavelength, Reflection, Transmission, Substrate nm % % material related products Uncoated Flat Windows Kinematic Mirror and Beamsplitter Mount 840-0020 See page 8.57
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ND:YAG LASER OPTICS J&EKSMA OPTICS LASER REAR MiRRORS High reflectivity (R>99.8%) coatings are applied on laser rear mirrors. The UV FS substrates are suggested for pulsed and CW high power fundamental Nd:YAG laser application. 0.5 0.4 ^ 0.3 I— 0.2 0.1 0 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 Uncoated Curved Windows See page 1.8 Kinematic Mirror Mount 840-0010 See page 8.57 SUBSTRATE Material COATING Substrate Wavelength, nm Substrate type Radius, mm material Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Visit www.eksmaoptics.com for new products and prices 4.8
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l^EKSMA OPTICS Nd:YAG LaserLinE LASER BEAMSPLiTTERS substrate Designed for average polarization: R=(Rs+Rp)/2 and T=(Ts+Tp)/2 Beamsplitter splits average polarized laser beam into two beams separated by 90° from each other. Material ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS coating RELATED PRODUCTS Uncoated Flat Windows See page 1.10 Designed for average polarization: R=(Rs+Rp)/2 and T=(Ts+Tp)/2 Wavelength, Reflection, Transmission, Substrate
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ND:YAG LASER OPTICS J&EKSMA OPTICS Designed for S- polarization Wavelength, Reflection, Transmission, Substrate Designed for p- polarization HOUSING ACCESSORIES Kinematic Mirror and Beamsplitter Mount 840-0030-02 See page 8.57 Adapter for Beamsplitter at 45° 840-0116 See page 8.77 Flipping Mirror/Beamsplitter Mount 840-0155 See page 8.84 Wavelength, Reflection, Transmission, Substrate Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS
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l^EKSMA OPTICS Nd:YAG LaserLinELASER LiNE ANTi-REFLECTiON COATED PRECiSiON WiNDOWS ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS Made of premium quality UV FS and BK7 AR coated at 266 nm, 355 nm, 532 nm, 1064 nm Precision windows are mostly used in laser systems. High quality AR multilayer coatings are applied on windows for fundamental Nd:YAG laser 1064 nm, frequency-doubled 532 nm, frequency-tripled 355nm and frequency-quadrupled 266nm applications. Featuring high optical transmission with little distortion of the transmitted signal, precision windows are a good solution...
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ND:YAG LASER OPTICS J&EKSMA OPTICS Parallelism 3 arcsec RELATED PRODUCTS Uncoated Precision Windows See page 1.11 Catalogue number AR COATED LENS KiTS Lens kits contain different types (planoconvex, biconvex, plano-concave, biconcave) of 025.4 mm lenses with various focal lengths. Kits are packed into foam lined plastic the new plastic boxes for safe handling and storage. Large lens kit consists of 40 lenses and small lens kit consists of 15 lenses made either of N-BK7 glass or UV FS. Kits are available with multilayer anti-reflection coatings for Nd:YAG laser fundamental and harmonics...
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l^EKSMA OPTICS Nd:YAG LaserLinE BK7 Lenses Kits ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS small BK7 Lens Kit code Type Dia, mm F, mm 110-0205E pl/cx 25.4 30 code type Dia, mm F, mm
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ND:YAG LASER OPTICS J&EKSMA optics" UV FS Lenses Kits Large kit of 40 pcs. UV FS lenses: Code coating code coating small uV Fs Lens Kit code Type Dia, mm F, mm 110-1203E pl/cx 25.4 30 Code Type Dia, mm F, mm related products Uncoated Lens Kits Beam Expanders Nd:YAG LASER AND NONLiNEAR CRYSTALS ND:YAG LASER OPTiCS Self-Centring Lens Mounts 830-0010 See page 8.44 Tweezers/Forceps for Optical Components 260-1050 See page A.4 Visit www.eksmaoptics.com for new products and prices 14
Open the catalog to page 14All EKSMA Optics catalogs and technical brochures
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