Catalog excerpts

Blanking line
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Project: Blanking line ♦ Supply and installation of a new blanking line ♦ New servo cutting press
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Project: Blanking line ♦ Automatic adjustment of the stacking masks ♦ Blanks in outer skin quality ♦ Hish stack accuracy ♦ Uninterrupted production at stack change
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Project: Blanking line Max. coil weight: Max. stripe width: Strip thickness: Coil change time: Press capacity servo press: Max. stroke: Max. strip speed
Open the catalog to page 4
Project: Blanking line Max. Blank dimensions: - with linked stacking tables: Max. stacking high: Max. stacking weight: No stacking positions: No stacking tables: Blank thickness: Max. blank weight::
Open the catalog to page 5
Project: Blanking line ♦ Supply and installation of a new blanking line ♦ New servo cutting press
Open the catalog to page 6
Automatic-Systeme DreherGmbH We form solutions, www.dreher.de
Open the catalog to page 7All Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
Company presentation
15 Pages
Image broschure
11 Pages
Stacker sheet metal parts
8 Pages
Press line automation
6 Pages
Archived catalogs
Coil handling equipment
16 Pages