Catalog excerpts

DX 5000 ΕModbus RTU RS232/RS485Line converterModbus RTU RS485/RS485RepeaterՕModbus RTU RS485/RS485Line adapter DX 5010 DeviceNet/Modbus RTUGateway DX 5050 Modbus RTU/Modbus RTUProtocol optimizer DX 5070 PROFIBUS DP/Modbus RTUGateway DY 5020 Modbus TCP/Modbus RTUGateway DY 5030 CANopen/Modbus RTUGateway DY 5121 WebSCADA DX 5100 delta due manager (4 modules) DX 5200 delta due manager (8 modules) DX 5300 delta due manager (16 modules) DX 5400 delta due manager (32 modules) >
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MASTERSLAVE RS232Modbus RTUTerminals 6, 7, 8Configuration Utility Controller Explorer orModbus RTU SCADA System (AutoLink) RS485Modbus RTUSide pins4, 5RS485Modbus RTUTerminals10, 11, 12 > OtherModbusRTUdevices MASTERSLAVE More than 32 devices, or line > 1.2 km RS485Modbus RTUTerminals2, 3, 4RS485Modbus RTU RS485Modbus RTUSide pins4, 5RS485Modbus RTUTerminals10, 11, 12 > OtherModbusRTUdevices
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MASTERSLAVE RS485Modbus RTUSide pins 4, 5RS485Modbus RTUTerminals10, 11, 12 PLCRS485Modbus RTUTerminals 2, 3, 4 OtherModbusRTUdevices SLAVEPRODUCER Terminals 13, 14,15, 16Modbus RTU/Profibus/DeviceNet Two masters can simultaneously access the instrumentation connected on Modbus RTU networks. ՕOne of the two masters must be Modbus RTU. The second master can be PROFIBUS or DeviceNet or Modbus RTU; the DX 50x0 converts these protocols to Modbus RTU. ՕFor example: the RS232 or RS485 service ports of DX 50x0 can be connected to an Ascon AutoLink self configuring SCADA or to a localoperator...
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MASTERSERVER RS485Modbus RTUTerminals2, 3, 4 > OtherModbusRTUdevices RS485Modbus RTUSide pins4, 5 Modbus TCP SCADASystem (AutoLink)RJ45 Ethernet/Internet >
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OtherModbusRTUdevices RS485ModbusRTU MASTER RJ12 Web Browser 1Web Browser 2 Modbus TCP SCADA System 1(AutoLink) Modbus TCP SCADA System 2(AutoLink) >
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RS485Modbus RTU master DY terminals2, 3, 4RS485Modbus RTU slave DX terminals 2, 3, 4 MASTER RS485Modbus RTUSide pins 4, 5RS485Modbus RTUTerminals10, 11, 12 RJ45 > OtherModbusRTUdevices Modbus TCP SCADASystem (AutoLink) Ethernet/Internet Terminals13, 14, 15, 16 Modbus RTU,PROFIBUS,DeviceNet PLC > MASTERPRODUCER sigma due CPU > OtherModbusRTUdevices RS485Modbus RTUSide pins 4, 5RS485Modbus RTUTerminals 2, 3, 4 > CANopen sigma due CANopen I/O Terminals13, 14, 15, 16 >
Open the catalog to page 6
ManagerOFF line configuration and parameterization.Backup of the configuration and parameter data of the connected modules. Hot swapping, automatic configuration and parameterization of the replaced modules Functions GatewayNetwork adapter for PROFIBUS DP, DeviceNet, Modbus RTU and RS485/RS232 line converter InstrumentsRS485 Modbus protocol master replicated on the terminal connectors (max. 19200 baud)Bus ServiceRS485, RS232 Modbus protocol slave, isolated (max. 38400 baud) Communicationsports RS485 Modbus protocol slave, isolated (max. 57600 baud) FieldbusPROFIBUS DP slaveDP control: SPC3...
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Օ No. of instruments backed up Instructions handbook Fieldbus communications > DeviceNet RS 485 Modbus/Jbus Profibus DP slave 1 5 7 > [1] The instrument perfoms the hardware convertion RS232/485 only for the standard Modbus RTU protocol. 驕Օ Function Instructions handbook > WORLDWIDE NETWORK OF DIRECTSALES CENTRES, DISTRIBUTORSAND VARs Housing type FunctionModbus TCP/RTUCANOpen/Modbus RTU BC Instructions handbook F8 > 02 English (standard) Belgium, Croatia, Czech Rep., Denmark,Esthonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,...
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