Group: Ammann
Catalog excerpts

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BRINGING REAL VALUE AND OPPORTUNITY TO SMALLER MARKETS BUILT ON INPUT FROM CUSTOMERS LIKE YOU Ammann set out to determine the needs of asphalt producers in rural regions where earning a profit is difficult – places where tonnages can fluctuate from one day to the next, yet varied recipes are frequently required, too. The producers said they fell into a pattern of using old plants or purchasing new plants with little technology. Even then they sometimes couldn’t provide what their customers needed, particularly in terms of varied mixes and the use of recycled asphalt and additives. What...
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Ideal for rural markets and projects requiring 25 000 tonnes to 100 000 tonnes per year.
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TRANSPORTABLE, SUSTAINABLE AND FLEXIBLE HOW CAN AMMANN HELP REDUCE YOUR COSTS AND INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY? Easy plant relocations are a start. The savings can be substantial during the relocation process, including quicker setup and fewer site preparation needs. Sustainability efforts are achieved through reduced fuel usage and less waste, which has a positive impact on your bottom line. The flexibility factor maximises your plant investment by expanding capabilities that enable you to take on projects that wouldn’t be possible with a lesser plant. • “Plug-and-play” components and...
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AMMANN CORE ELEMENTS EVERYTHING FROM ONE SOURCE Ammann premium asphalt mixing plants utilise complex process engineering that requires perfect interaction between all individual components. So essential is this integration that Ammann develops and manufactures all core components, including drums, burners, filters, controls and mixers. Doing so is the only way to guarantee the plants will meet the demanding requirements and standards of the modern marketplace. Ammann is currently the only manufacturer of asphalt mixing plants to offer this single-source approach, establishing us as a...
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AS1 CONTROL SYSTEM POWERFUL, RELIABLE AND PROVEN WORLDWIDE The powerful and future-oriented as1 system concept combines proven Ammann software with specially matched industrial hardware. The as1 computing environment has been designed and tested for use in tough environments. Its networking capability also has been optimised. Customers profit from the flexible workstation configuration, networking and administration. THE FIELD BUS SYSTEM GUARANTEED FOR RELIABLE SIGNAL TRANSFER The proven field bus system is robust and reliable under tough operation. Faults can be detected efficiently and...
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AFTER SALES COVERING ALL NEEDS Contracted maintenance services and technician training provided by Ammann help protect your investment, while operator training ensures your team is able to utilise all the features and benefits built into your plant. When your needs change, Ammann offers retrofit options that can provide you with a good-as-new plant at a low cost. PUT AMMANN EXPERTISE TO WORK Ammann offers service packages that ensure all maintenance is current, making your plant efficient and also protecting it from premature wear that can result from poor service practices. A variety of...
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TRAINING FULLFIL YOUR PLANT’S POTENTIAL WITH TRAINING Your plant features components engineered for productivity and technology that can deliver benefits unheard of just a few years ago. Yet those components and that technology are only as good as the operator using them. How can you help operators make the most of the tools at their disposal? The answer is training. WORLDWIDE TRAINING CENTRES Ammann has more than 10 regional training centre locations around the world. Key teaching themes connect them all. • A good balance. The centres combine a traditional classroom setting with hands-on...
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CONTINUAL PLANT CAPACITY AT 3% MOISTURE* 140 t/h CONTINUAL PLANT CAPACITY AT 5% MOISTURE 110 t/h NUMBER OF COLD FEEDERS 6 CONTENT COLD FEEDERS 7 m3 TYPE DRYING DRUM T 1870 (L = 7 m / D = 1,8 m) BURNER POWER OUTPUT 9,3 MW FUELS Diesel MIXER SIZE / CONTENT 1.5 t BINDING AGENT SUPPLY 2 * E-Bit Boxer tank 51 m3 FILLER SUPPLY Reclaimed filler silo 20m3 and imported fillersilo 30 m3 HOT MIXSTORAGE SILO / COMPARTMENTS 24 t in 1 compartment, Options for 2 or 3 * 24 t compartments RECYCLING ADDITION UP TO 20% AT 3% MOISTURE RAC directly into the mixer *Hot mix production capacity based on following...
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Amazingly mobile, easy recipe changes and the lowest waste imaginable – all at an affordable price.”
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For additional product information and services please visit : www.ammann - group.com Specifications are subject to change. PPB-1033-00-EN | © Ammann G
Open the catalog to page 12All Ammann catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
ARX 23.1-2
2 Pages
ABP 240–400 HRT
2 Pages
16 Pages
Batch Mixing plants
32 Pages
24 Pages
ABA UniBatch
12 Pages
16 Pages
32 Pages
32 Pages
continuous asphalt mixing plants
20 Pages
4 Pages
20 Pages
Transport-optimized Plant
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
24 Pages
12 Pages
large paver class classic
20 Pages
STV 2400 E
1 Pages
STV 3500 E
1 Pages
12 Pages
Universal HRT
16 Pages
Prime 100-140
12 Pages
Trench Roller
12 Pages
Single-drum rollers, 7 to 25
8 Pages
ARX Tandem Rollers 1.5 - 4.5 t
12 Pages
AP240 pneumatic tyred roller
6 Pages
6 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Add-on plate compactor
4 Pages
Tandem Rollers 8 - 9 t
8 Pages
Compacteur tandem 7-11.5t
8 Pages
Trench Rollers
8 Pages
Vibratory Double Drum Roller
6 Pages
Concrete Mixing Plants
12 Pages
Haupttitel Aussen Dem
4 Pages