OA Series Blender
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Catalog excerpts

OA Series Blender - 1

PROVIDING SOLUTIONS, NOT JUST EQUIPMENT FEATURES • Easy material clean-out and changeover • Precision 1/10% of span offset cantilevered load cells • Cast aluminum feed auger assemblies with stainless steel augers • Spun material supply hoppers with sight-glass • “HC” style mixer with removable polycarbonate door • Adjustable mixing time OA-012 GRAVIMETRIC BATCH BLENDER OA SERIES GRAVIMETRIC BLENDER ADVANTAGES • Superior batch control up to 1/10 of 1% accuracy for each blended component • Consistent feeding of difficult materials The OA Series gravimetric batch blending system features precision auger metering of all ingredients and should be used for regrind, powder and difficult or hard-to-meter materials. HOW IT WORKS Key in a recipe and start the unit. Operating parameters are preset. When the level in the mixer drops below the level switch, the weigh hopper will zero. Each ingredient is then accurately metered and weighed. When the weighed batch is complete, all ingredients are discharged into the mixer. O A S E R I E S G R AV I M E T R I C A U G E R B L E N D E R S w w w. a e c i n t e r n e t . c o m

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OA Series Blender - 2

• Touch-screen interface in a remote-mount NEMA • Two screens allow total control and monitoring of • Constant display of actual material used • Load cell signal conditioning technology improves reliability and is unaffected by electrical noise • Redesigned pneumatic and electrical systems improve metering accuracy and blender rate • Electrical panel meets applicable specifications, with 220 volt operation and CE declaration • Integral alarm light and horn indicates material feea problems • Ethernet module available for off-line monitoring, control, and remote troubleshooting • Patent...

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